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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Whitenoise

Beefy AP + CDR = win.

Beefy AP + CDR = win.

Updated on May 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whitenoise Build Guide By Whitenoise 6 3 18,043 Views 18 Comments
6 3 18,043 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Whitenoise Mordekaiser Build Guide By Whitenoise Updated on May 25, 2011
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fActisOne | July 13, 2011 11:39am
Voted -1
Down grading becouse i've seen a similar build.
Temzilla (211) | June 12, 2011 10:23am
Whitenoise wrote:

Magic Pen quints are better if the opponent has more than 30 Mres and you don't have void staff. If people are stacking Mres, you get void staff. 1.8 mpen<4.9 ap unless they're stacking mres.

500 HP in a build with decent resists makes you all the harder to kill.
80 ap is a pretty good amt, 104 ap with rabadon's.
If morde is slowing a whole enemy team during a team fight with his e and his w, it makes it harder to catch up to your carries, and makes it almost impossible for them to escape.
All of these stats for a mere 3k gold? Yus.
And most of the LoL community would argue Ryalis is a great item on morde.

And abyssal is in my build so why bring it up?

Void staff < Abyssal Scepter.

If you are having problems with magic pen, it's because the enemy has over 100 magic resist, and has severely hurt their own damage as a result.

Sorc Shoes + 10 Magic Pen from Runes + Abyssal is plenty.

Now, on to rylai's.

"most of the LoL community would argue Ryalis is a great item on morde."

Most of the LoL community would argue that Warmog's is a great item on mordekaiser as well.

If Mordekaiser is slowing the whole enemy team in a team fight, it means you have no other slows on your team.

If Mordekaiser is the one doing all the slowing in your team, you picked super wrong.

If there is no CC in your team, morde is almost always the wrong pick.

You shouldn't really get a rabadon's unless you're doing pure AP morde, in which case you don't have room for rylai's. (DFG+Boots+Lich Bane+Deathcap+Soulstealer+Either WotA, Void Staff, or Rabadon's)

Also, I agree, AP quints are better. (I've learned a lot about morde in the last few weeks.)

I still believe that Rylai's is a fundamentally flawed item on Mordekaiser, is situational at best, and should never ever be considered as "core" on mordekaiser.
Whitenoise | June 12, 2011 2:15am
Temzilla wrote:

Rylai's is a bad item on Mordekaiser, AP Quints < Magic Pen Quints.

Why is Rylai's a bad item on Mordekaiser, and what would i replace it with?

Rylai's Crystal Scepter, lets look at those stats for a second.

500 hp, near worthless.
80 ap, 32 damage on Siphon, not really that big of a deal.
15% slow on Morde's attacks.

Now, why is this 15% slow situational at best?

Because morde's strength is not in his ability to slow his opponent, or make them cry with his insane burst damage. It's to make them cry in the lane, push them to their tower and deny them CS.

Rylai's offers nothing to make him profoundly better in team fights, or make him better in lane.

Abyssal Scepter on the other hand, not only makes him more tanky, but it grants him more damage than Rylai's does, and makes him a better team mate.

Magic Pen quints are better if the opponent has more than 30 Mres and you don't have void staff. If people are stacking Mres, you get void staff. 1.8 mpen<4.9 ap unless they're stacking mres.

500 HP in a build with decent resists makes you all the harder to kill.
80 ap is a pretty good amt, 104 ap with rabadon's.
If morde is slowing a whole enemy team during a team fight with his e and his w, it makes it harder to catch up to your carries, and makes it almost impossible for them to escape.
All of these stats for a mere 3k gold? Yus.
And most of the LoL community would argue Ryalis is a great item on morde.

And abyssal is in my build so why bring it up?
Temzilla (211) | May 26, 2011 8:52am
Voted -1
Whitenoise wrote:

Morde without Ryali's, you best be trolling. IMO AP quints are best for morde; helps his early game damage and lets you build some defensive items while still having some base ap.
Flat HP quints aren't required due to hp regen items, move speed quints could work although you don't need much more move speed since you have FoN.

Rylai's is a bad item on Mordekaiser, AP Quints < Magic Pen Quints.

Why is Rylai's a bad item on Mordekaiser, and what would i replace it with?

Rylai's Crystal Scepter, lets look at those stats for a second.

500 hp, near worthless.
80 ap, 32 damage on Siphon, not really that big of a deal.
15% slow on Morde's attacks.

Now, why is this 15% slow situational at best?

Because morde's strength is not in his ability to slow his opponent, or make them cry with his insane burst damage. It's to make them cry in the lane, push them to their tower and deny them CS.

Rylai's offers nothing to make him profoundly better in team fights, or make him better in lane.

Abyssal Scepter on the other hand, not only makes him more tanky, but it grants him more damage than Rylai's does, and makes him a better team mate.
Whitenoise | May 25, 2011 11:10pm
Please test the build out before you say those things. Mordekaiser doesn't need 9001 ap early game to do well, he needs hp regen more than anything to cover his ability cost. And if you somehow can't afford the items in this build, you're doing it wrong. Morde is one of the best farmers in the game.
Morde without Ryali's, you best be trolling. IMO AP quints are best for morde; helps his early game damage and lets you build some defensive items while still having some base ap.
Flat HP quints aren't required due to hp regen items, move speed quints could work although you don't need much more move speed since you have FoN.
Temzilla (211) | May 20, 2011 11:06pm
Nice build if you drop the Rylai's, and the AP Quints.

Also, you should clean up your build order so the FoN and CDR boots aren't lost.
Verteros (2) | May 20, 2011 9:42pm
Voted -1
Your early game is weak as ****. Your mid game is your late game and your late game costs way to much gold to me efficient. Bad build. If you somehow managed to get a ton of CS and kills with the lack of damage and survivability early game you might be able to finish this build. But it's extremely unlikely.
adrianwongken | May 13, 2011 8:48am
Voted +1
just went 19/4/19 with this build, great item set.
iownyahard | May 11, 2011 10:41am
Voted +1
Whitenoise | May 7, 2011 2:00pm
Thanks guys :D
@RedBlueJeans It all depends on how the game is going. If we're stomping them and I'm not taking that much damage then I end up rushing rabadons after Rylais, CDR boots, and FoN. But up until then Id prefer the MR reduction/AP/MR from Abyssal.
charasaki1986 (63) | May 7, 2011 11:41am
Voted +1
nice work, +1
RushingHour (3) | May 7, 2011 9:11am
Voted +1
Good job seems nice,worths a try IMO
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