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Lee Sin Build Guide by Pimzy

Lee Sin: Theres No Way He's Blind. *Updated 8/3**

Lee Sin: Theres No Way He's Blind. *Updated 8/3**

Updated on August 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pimzy Build Guide By Pimzy 146 29 664,684 Views 70 Comments
146 29 664,684 Views 70 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pimzy Lee Sin Build Guide By Pimzy Updated on August 3, 2011
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nimanoo | October 29, 2011 10:07am
I always do so well with this build
YOGY | October 19, 2011 10:34am
Great guide,nice gifs showing abilities. I suggest add 3rd Trinity force based build.
Krisq | October 14, 2011 11:08pm
I'd add 1 thing in Tips Sonic wave/ult, i do it a lil other way especially when we're on lane or guy is playing Ez/Kass/Kata (or just has flash) i cast sonic first then easily kick and if he uses flash etc i still can jump up to him
mastajdog (77) | August 7, 2011 6:26pm
+1 just faced a lee sin with this build on 3v3. his team had a feeder and lee finished the game like 30/3/15. great job. any ideas how to counter him though?
Sartec | August 3, 2011 9:00pm
I personally think this build is amazing, I've been owned so many times by other Lees that followed this guide. Sadly though, I have yet to gain success out of this, or any other Lee guide on here, just can't get the feel for them...

But of course, +1 anyways, sorry about the trolls =\
Battok (17) | August 3, 2011 1:27pm
Nice guide. Love the animations
Eundori | July 31, 2011 11:35pm
This is a great build! I've been doing great with it so far. What do you think about replacing Banshee's veil with a Phantom Dancer though? I think it's nicer to have some more attack speed and movement speed since I feel with this build Lee-sin is already pretty beefy. I also usually take Madred's for my last item. Anyways, +1 Amazing guide.
Optimal | July 29, 2011 10:30pm
Really good guide. Great idea to use gifs to show us the skills effect. +1
Phrown | July 29, 2011 8:42am
great build, i absolutely love the way you use animations to explain even better, definetly a +1 from me, i didnt like the damage output alot when i saw the stats, but the madreds makes up for alot ofcourse ;)

keep up the good work
Pimzy (7) | July 25, 2011 1:54pm
Not trolling but you just posted that 5 times. I'm not going to deal with you, but don't go telling people their build is ****. I play him like this, and i do very well. This didn't work for you, so move on. No need for rude comments like this.
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