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Anivia Build Guide by hypershatter

[READ ANNOUNCEMENTS FIRST!!!] Controlling Anivia

[READ ANNOUNCEMENTS FIRST!!!] Controlling Anivia

Updated on September 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hypershatter Build Guide By hypershatter 493 45 1,877,038 Views 306 Comments
493 45 1,877,038 Views 306 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hypershatter Anivia Build Guide By hypershatter Updated on September 27, 2011
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unckid1991 | December 12, 2011 12:11pm
very nice guide +1
Sgt. EpicFail | December 8, 2011 8:14am

good guide, seriously! I am new to Anivia, but I like her already.
I don't know if you will even read this, but anyway:

I must say I wonder why you didn't put Tear of the Goddes/Archangels staff as a core item.
I've played a few times now, and I found this one rather usefull, because I believe it works as some sort of blue buff. also, when you get it at about 10 minutes, you will be half-way at about 30 minutes, witch cancels out your mana problems.

anyway, good guide!
culater_0726 (4) | December 6, 2011 4:45am
Really in-depth build. Just read this guide and played anivia for the first time and got a fairly good score of 9/2/8. I'm pleased.
Erelorial | December 3, 2011 4:04pm
A fantastic build. 10/1/7 or 4/1/8 is proof :D
HtG DarkElf (6) | December 3, 2011 9:39am
lol best guide ever + 1
Lord Voldemort (3) | December 2, 2011 1:06pm
i rreally like to start with a saphire cristal try that out.
RaVaGeRS (1) | November 26, 2011 12:10pm
Would love it if you went to my page and liked my builds :D
RammusSaysOK | November 18, 2011 12:25pm
Really like the build! Been using it from the start and been pwning as anivia since then! it's my favo champ
crazy Aquacaster | November 18, 2011 12:19am
Why the Archangels so late?
xDIKx | November 17, 2011 5:47pm
Thanks for writing the guide:)
JudderFTW (1) | November 16, 2011 3:03am
Update masterys.
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