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Master Yi Build Guide by Saintvicious

Saintvicious Jungle Yi

Saintvicious Jungle Yi

Updated on July 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saintvicious Build Guide By Saintvicious 200 43 936,875 Views 153 Comments
200 43 936,875 Views 153 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Saintvicious Master Yi Build Guide By Saintvicious Updated on July 25, 2011
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RealmriderX1 (91) | January 1, 2012 6:40am
Trinity force..? Q_q
BrianEatsRyu | November 25, 2011 8:00am
I'm thinking about making a guide without runes and leveling summoner spells. I use Yi but instead of getting the items that you mentioned, I usually get the first three recommended items. After that I usually try and get the BF Sword which greatly increases my attack damage. Jungle and farm for a bit after that. Eventually you'll have enough gold to buy an Infinity Edge. Try to get as many as you can. Oh! I forgot about the Bloodthirster. This helps with life drain.
For Tank Yi, I usually get Warmog's Armor and farm quite a bit. This helps you get an UNLIMITED amount of health. I STRONGLY recommend this tactic. However, it costs quite a bit of gold. Guardian Angel is a good option too, but only if your playing on the defensive side.
Golleitrian (23) | November 23, 2011 5:05pm
Tina wrote:

Man, I really dont get why you keep that "guides" of yours so damn short.
Why not a little more explanation(or at least any at all) for Trinity?
Im not convinced that itĀ“ll work better than Frozen Mallet/PDĀ“s, although its probably better if you have a hard time in the game, since its easier to build.

Also I think you should mention the option to go for Wuju Style first instead of Alpha Strike and use Meditate in early game jungling.

I use that method and found it to be a lot better, since I often fail to get the Alpha Strike proc at the small golems which then leaves me with very little life.
With Wuju Style I kill them without much trouble and its generally better to have in the early game already imo.
Meditate also makes for a Nunu like jungling at high HP, harder to gank and better for ganking by myself and it sometimes can be used to bait enemies or simply tank a whole **** of dmg while your allies kill them off, even if you die in the process.

Its always kind of disguisting me when I read "pro Guide" and it actually is so ... empty and misses that much information.

Also theres one question IĀ“m asking myself from time to time: Is that 1 point havoc really making such a difference? I really suck at maths but even with 1k Crits it should be a mere +40 dmg boost? Wouldnt it be better to have 15% longer buff duration?
IĀ“m really wondering, but however, I cannot really expect to have any question like this answered in your guides and that makes me mad -.-

That "pro" status makes it look like "wow this guide is better than any other" but I cannot really say so.

I completly agree on that. But that is not the only probleme. This build is ''pro''+''Pro recommended'' and high on the rank latter but it's expired???? Wtf?!?! And it has been for a long time.

Had it been anyone other then Saintvicious this guide would have been completly ignored.
impro | November 4, 2011 9:28pm
Hahah! The Classic Way of Yi
Awesomo28 | October 31, 2011 12:02pm
Nice combination between Damage/Survivability and Efficiency
Ascent (1) | October 27, 2011 7:33pm
sick guide. loving it so far
SeamusTMH (2) | October 24, 2011 1:25am
Will have to try this out, looks very solid. However, the vid links for stonewalls's stuff don't work any more, the vids have been removed. Be great if this were fixed or changed.
Burning Eyed Hunter (5) | October 23, 2011 6:25pm
try: 3 g/10 quints/9 red ArP/9 flat armor seals/9 flat mr glyphs + greed instead of the buff duration. i found that most of the time i cant do anything else with the remaining buff time anyhow.

wriggles/boots(tier 1)/Zeal/Merc/Phage/Tforce Now right here you should notice you don't even need anything unless they have Armor. So choices: LW or BT(IE is ok, but i find lifesteal to win in teamfights is largely needed) / GA rush after tforce.

I end games with Tforce/Wriggles/Merc/GA/LW/BT/BT reason behind BT stacking is just that late game no matter what you do to get tankier, it just doesnt really work unless you lifesteal to survive. but more than usual, tforce/BT or GA serves my purposes depending on the game.

Also, as for ganking, if i see half hp, i dont care, ill turret dive if i've got my zeal and wriggles.
Sanguinarius | October 21, 2011 7:32pm
Tina I totally agree with you +rep :-)
Bamorsha | October 20, 2011 6:54pm
Awesome! I'm not usually a fan of the Youmuu's, but I've found it to be very effective.
Tina (6) | October 18, 2011 5:27pm
Man, I really dont get why you keep that "guides" of yours so damn short.
Why not a little more explanation(or at least any at all) for Trinity?
Im not convinced that itĀ“ll work better than Frozen Mallet/PDĀ“s, although its probably better if you have a hard time in the game, since its easier to build.

Also I think you should mention the option to go for Wuju Style first instead of Alpha Strike and use Meditate in early game jungling.

I use that method and found it to be a lot better, since I often fail to get the Alpha Strike proc at the small golems which then leaves me with very little life.
With Wuju Style I kill them without much trouble and its generally better to have in the early game already imo.
Meditate also makes for a Nunu like jungling at high HP, harder to gank and better for ganking by myself and it sometimes can be used to bait enemies or simply tank a whole **** of dmg while your allies kill them off, even if you die in the process.

Its always kind of disguisting me when I read "pro Guide" and it actually is so ... empty and misses that much information.

Also theres one question IĀ“m asking myself from time to time: Is that 1 point havoc really making such a difference? I really suck at maths but even with 1k Crits it should be a mere +40 dmg boost? Wouldnt it be better to have 15% longer buff duration?
IĀ“m really wondering, but however, I cannot really expect to have any question like this answered in your guides and that makes me mad -.-

That "pro" status makes it look like "wow this guide is better than any other" but I cannot really say so.
Duszolap | October 17, 2011 1:08am
I build boots after avarice blade. Good build.
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