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Shyvana Build Guide by Denialater

Shyvana, The Dragonic Jungler

Shyvana, The Dragonic Jungler

Updated on November 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Denialater Build Guide By Denialater 49 28 67,375 Views 41 Comments
49 28 67,375 Views 41 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Denialater Shyvana Build Guide By Denialater Updated on November 25, 2011
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brainzzzz | January 29, 2012 2:20pm
Hey could you add some text about the summoner skill surge in there ?
I know it's not used to much but
i use it when i jungle shyvana
It lets me get blue at lvl 1 to reduce cooldowns therefor i can go with magic resist glyphs
i also do a full clear in 1 run with it
and when it's available again i usualy have enough health for a gank
At lvl 4 witg surge and a nice oportunity has resulted in a alot of firstblood+double kills in bot for me :)
Nirvaesh | November 9, 2011 5:58am
Just a thought, you should drop 1 point from offensive mastery and put it into Archaic Knowledge.. as Burnout is one of the main damage skills to jungle that 15% magic pen actually speeds it up quite alot. Much more than 1 damage on melee strikes would, that only work on mobs.
Denialater (5) | November 8, 2011 11:33am
You max out Twin Bite before Flame Breath because Twin Bite gives you that extra burst. Coupled with Shyvana's naturally high AD gives amazing burst. I've tried building a Bloodrazor while jungling but I found myself just struggling in ganks with just Madred's Razor, so I stuck to a wriggles. Normally, I only use Flame Breath while in Dragon Form and what I usually do is Hit'em with Flame Breath, then turn on Burnout, run up and Twin Bite them in the ***. And they're practically already dead by then.

Thanks for the comment and suggestion. I'll look further into it.
MouseKime (1) | November 8, 2011 6:25am
Just a few things i'd like to say. First up, you should pobably leave maxing twin bite till last, it's scaling per level is appawling, 20% extra damage after 5 levels. And when combined with your passive, flame breath adds a good 40 extra damage per attack on a debuffed target @ rank 5, this is significant. Secondly, have you considered a blood razor? Attack speed has great sinergy with her passive, adds AD, armor and rediculous ammounts of magic damage + dragon and baron presence. Thirdly, twin bite can crit and lay down on hit effects. Hit your target with flame breath, whack em with twin bite, if both hits crit, you're looking at a good 1500 damage on someone who hasn't built MR (the carries, which you should be targeting)

Other than that, good guide ^.^
Denialater (5) | November 7, 2011 8:03pm
Thank you all for the positive feedback. It gives me pleasure to see that my build works for all of you and makes you all happy. Please keep coming back to up vote my guide! :D
SEN101 | November 7, 2011 7:39pm
I love your guide its alost the same way i play her, IMO shyvana is better in jungle than lane. Your items are great you left nothing but malady (i feel like getting it if theres a ton of ap on my team). Your runes are great as well. +1 from me and keep up the goodwork :)
EvoSoLz | November 7, 2011 7:26pm
So far been using this guide for the past few day's and I have been able to make people surrender at or around 25mins each time. Love the build.
Hondir | November 7, 2011 12:53pm
I am playing Shyvana now since Friday I guess, and I tried her as a jungler aswell. Ich would recomment a vampirecepter for the beginning, you will have slower jungling to lvl 3/4 gut you will be greatfully faster with lvl 4+ and will be keeping up or be faster as mid or sololane!
The items are okay, since I play a bit more Defensive it is a nice opportunity to be more aggresivly and Off oriantated! I'll post a guide aswell next day, may you pass by and leave me a comment how you think it is done.

All in all +1
Haidoleini | November 7, 2011 9:08am
Aggroboy (1) | November 7, 2011 9:00am
Very nicee guide went 13-5-15 first time as shyvana +1!
Ardamaxx | November 7, 2011 6:50am
A very nice build for me =) +1
thechanged1 | November 7, 2011 6:25am
In my experience, the listed build order is really more of a guide instead of a set rule. If you feel you need to start building health, then deviate from the guide, and start building it! Don't set yourself back by single-mindedly following the set order. I've found that in most cases, the build order works fine, but you do need to take a look at the opposing team composition before deciding on a hard set of items to use. As for ranged carries, you have the skills to close the distance quickly, and exhaust is there to keep them from getting away. If your really having trouble with them, set up a gank! Its where a lot of your power comes from, and can really turn your gameplay around.
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