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2. Masteries were explained decently, but you need to update them badly.
3. Your items suck.
a) Any item with Crit on it is not viable for Ezreal, Mystic Shot DOES NOT Crit (P. Dancer and I. Edge are worthless, only one exception and thats Tri-Force).
b) Most items with Attack Speed are bad, Ezreal's passive is designed so that we can neglect our Attack Speed and focus on power (Exceptions are Madred's and Black Cleaver).
c) Atma's Impaler is scaled of Health, and Ezreal has NO HEALTH, its a no go.
d) Youmuu's Ghostblade is not viable for ranged AD carries, the active will not stack up to 12 seconds and it will stop at 4. Due to this Brutalizer is also a bad choice.
e) Manamune is generally frowned upon, the bonus mana isn't needed and it only gives you about 60 AD.
4. Aesthetics aren't very good. Tons of Sentence structure errors, as well as spelling, grammar, and everything else. Most of everything was uninteresting to read due to it not being formatted very much.
Overall I would give you a 5/10, and only because I know you were oblivious to your mistakes. We were all new once and I can understand that. If you update this, I might up vote you.
Also, I don't criticize guides to be a d**k, I do it to help you, and thus help the people who read your guide.
I dont think so, and your whole idea of crit makes me want to troll.
But, well writen and colourful, nice explained!
Your ''Core Items list'' looks more like a ''Shopping list'' or an ''Items Pool of choice'' (there isn't really a terme for that).