You know, I just had a thought... aren't almost all the guides on here opinionated? I mean, I haven't had the "pleasure" of reading every guide for one character on this site but from what I can tell, everyone has their own way of building their favorite Champions.

I only bring this up because I recently had someone TROLL my Nocturne build and no, it didn't hurt my feelings, more annoyed me. I mean, the last game I played with that very build I was 14-5-10, and that's good right? I mean I THING it's good, but what do I know? I'm just a noob -- technically everyone is if you go by raging logic in-game.

I just wish someone could post their guide and honestly not have to worry about the trolls coming from beneath their bridges and caves to ridicule others for not building a Champ like they would, or what's considered "pro". Not everyone plays this game to be pro, much to you troll's disbelief. MOST people -- like me -- play this game to have fun, and isn't that what games were originally designed to be for? Having fun? The first definition in the dictionary for game is: "activity engaged in for diversion or amusement". Hmm, competition and "pro" aren't in there.

Let's also look at this logic: Do you honestly believe the players who actually play nothing but ranked, play in tournaments, try to make their favored Champ the best he/she can be, play this game STRICTLY for competition? If you do, you REALLY are a troll considering their intelligence. No one looks at a game, whether it's in a store or online, and says, "I'm playing this game STRICTLY pro!" and then gets it and does just that. No, it starts out fun and games and REMAINS fun and games to them because they enjoy the game!

Now I digress, no one enjoys losing repeatedly. I know I don't and I know the countless trolls who play LoL don't like losing a single game. But that's part of the game; you'll meet somebody better than yourself, or maybe because you have someone on your team that's just having a bad game or a bad day in general.

I remember one game where this guy's dad just had a stroke, and he was playing to keep his mind off of it, but it wasn't working too well and he ended up doing terrible that game. Everyone got PISSED that he fed one or two of the enemy Champs and RIDICULED HIM. He was instantly a noob, a f***ing feeder, that he should uninstall the game, crawl into a hole and die, etc etc. He explained what was wrong and MOST people would feel bad for him and tell him everything is going to be okay. But no, these guys say something that literally appalled me. "Well, your dad should be healthier!", "Too bad for your dad my dad is Superman!", and my favorite, "If he died would you suck less?"

Honestly I was appalled by these comments and disgusted with people in general at that time. And how do I remember this so well? Oh yeah, I was the guy who's dad had a stroke. Did anyone care? Not an one. Not only in the game are people trolled, but on Mobafire as well. I understand the right to post your own guide and put it online for others to see, but some of the comments I see are terrible. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is key to a site like this. Offer your advice and maybe they will listen, maybe not. But don't make someone feel like the scum of the earth because they play a Champion a certain way!

Maybe I'm setting myself up for more trolls to come and attempt to make my life hell, but honestly, rather it be me than a young kid who's feeling could actually be hurt by the words of a good for nothing troll.