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Alefstrain's Mobafire Blog

07 May

Views: 680 So About Ranked...

So I've been playing some ranked lately and I have to confess... before I used to play ranked non stop, regardless of winning or losing, i played it like it was Normals. However, I have come to realize that if I just play a ranked every 2 to 3 games of normal, I do better.

I'm also sticking to the same few champions rather than a large pool of them with a variety of different roles. I used to try and play all the lanes and get good with them, playing as Vayne, Fiddlesticks support, Zed mid, and a plethora of solo tops. But I'm a jungler. It's my favorite role, and it's what...
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07 May
So I've been wondering lately who the meta is for jungle. at the moment, I've been playing a lot of Trundle and Volibear with some Sejuani and others on the side. I don't particularly like Lee Sin as a jungler but others that I'm good with are...

Xin Zhao

So as you can see I have a wide variety of junglers that I use. However, in ranked I don't jungle Zac or Udyr often because I get tons of hate for wanting to jungle them. So who is the current meta atm??
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26 Jan
Well, as I play League of Legends, I suddenly found myself becoming quite bored playing my typical and best role: Jungler. I also play Solo Top and Mid as secondary choices. But even playing those roles leaves me unfulfilled. I started Jungling with champions I don't usually use, like Lee Sin, Hecarim, Rengar, and more, as I favor others like Shaco and Kha'Zix.

What was I to do? Finally, during a solo queue, no one wanted to be the AD Carry, and after calling Jungle and almost locking in Kha'Zix, I thought to myself "I never ADC...." So I decided to do...
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21 Jan
Ok, in an attempt to become a better LoL player, I'm looking for friendly advice as to how to better counter jungle. I've been playing Kha'Zix, Lee Sin, and Shaco lately.

As Lee Sin I find it pretty easy to counter jungle since he has amazing early game damage and a slippery champion with his Q and W. I try to catch them at Red buff and I can kill them before they use Smite on it, taking them out AND stealing their red. Next, counter jungling with Shaco is fun, able to deal tons of damage if the enemy is caught in the right position, and as Kha'Zix, I can't seem...
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19 Jan
Now I consider myself an avid Kha'Zix player, particularly in the Jungle. However, I've noticed that whenever there is a Master Yi that is a jungler on the other team, he constantly counter jungles me and beats me. Every time. Granted this has happened only twice, but both times I was slaughtered in the same fashion. Here's a bit of info to describe my situations...

He always catches me at red buff, killing both me and stealing my buff. I know that this is because of a ward, because he uses Alpha Strike at exactly the right moment. So I plant a ward around my red and blue...
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