My adventure, for finding a new champion to play with continues. In the end, the month-long or so it took me to shorten the list, produced some result.

Alistar, Gragas, Olaf, Shaco, Udyr and the overused Xin Zhao. Or as I pronounce it, Jun Tao. (a reference to Rush Hour)

Alistar doesn't some like someone I would enjoy using, he simply isn't. Gragas is, well, strange. Never played against him, and he doesn't really seem appealing. Shaco is not the type of champion I want, Udyr is categorized in the same place as Gragas, which leaves me with Jun Ta... Xin Zhao and Olaf.

Since I'm a heavy Tryndamere user, and as a extremely successful one, I really want something at least a bit different from him. By the looks of it, Xin Zhao is extremely similar. The same items, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver, Phantom Dancer, Zeal, Berserker's Greaves, etc.

Which leaves me with Olaf. Not as a bad choice I originally thought.