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Ashe is probably the worst AD carry at the moment. Lacks damage, and is only TRULY EVER GOOD if your team already has an AD top/AD jungle, so that Ashe doesnt have to deal all of the AD damage. She is a utility AD carry and is in her own little group consisting of only her.
Heal and Cleanse are very good summoners now. If you don`t believe me, watch Chaox from Team Solomid stream. Chaox is definitely in the top 10 AD carries for the North American scene, and is constantly streaming.
Wriggle`s Lantern should be a situational item, for you`re losing your lane, need that lifesteal, armor, and ward.
If you ever do that, do NOT put Soraka there. Soraka+Ashe is just WAY too weak. Lacks damage, and you have to wait until 6 until you get your stun, and you still lack damage.
Other than that, very good guide. Definitely one of the better new guides that come out.
I've actually done that and soraka healed me enough and kept my mana high enough that we did extremely well, kinda. We actually got to level nine and destroyed their tower and did damage to the next one, then got ganked and destroyed because we both only had one item because we never had to recall. though we could have just been facing some poor players.
This guide makes me want to play (more like try to play) Ashe again :) +1 and good luck with this guide.
Are Boots of Swiftness really that bad? MS quints and masteries and a Phantom Dancer give a 21.5% increase in movement speed, which puts you at 474 MS with swiftness boots opposed to 450 MS with other choices. It's not a WHOLE lot, but sometimes the difference between successfully escaping/chasing an enemy just depends on who is faster or slower. Boots of Swiftness put you at an advantage, especially since people usually don't op for swiftness boots but get the other choices.
Also, is Stark's Fervor in place of The Bloodthirster also such a terrible choice? Ashe isn't really a straight up AD carry and is more utility/support oriented. It may be better suited on a tankier bruiser who may stay alive longer in a fight, but if nobody else builds it the whole team is missing out on an extremely helpful aura. Especially if the enemy team is stacking armor and you build Last Whisper instead of The Black Cleaver the additional 40% AS helps out a lot.
Ashe is probably the worst AD carry at the moment. Lacks damage, and is only TRULY EVER GOOD if your team already has an AD top/AD jungle, so that Ashe doesnt have to deal all of the AD damage. She is a utility AD carry and is in her own little group consisting of only her.
Heal and Cleanse are very good summoners now. If you don`t believe me, watch Chaox from Team Solomid stream. Chaox is definitely in the top 10 AD carries for the North American scene, and is constantly streaming.
Wriggle`s Lantern should be a situational item, for you`re losing your lane, need that lifesteal, armor, and ward.
If you ever do that, do NOT put Soraka there. Soraka+Ashe is just WAY too weak. Lacks damage, and you have to wait until 6 until you get your stun, and you still lack damage.
Other than that, very good guide. Definitely one of the better new guides that come out.
Your Ashe guide is very well written! Well the build and runes and masteries is common I would say. But it works on Ashe your info in your guide is good and I think you got the most important things in it (:
To improve and ideas you could add a Duo lane chapter, who is the best laning mate etc? ranked games etc?
Well good guide good build and good info (; And its nice to see you want to support the community with your words and your guide (:
1+ from Acoil (: