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Really nice build, i was using AP items at the start (RoA and Abyssal) before going to real tanking, but your guide make me realise that this isn't really worth it. Imma try yours.
But i totally disagree with your marks. Attack speed will be a waste quickly, and you can stand your jungle without those. Magic penetration is still better, since early it really increases your damage output against the 30 MR that the squishies have. Plus, i don't think your DoT from Titan's Wrath cumulates if you attack faster, it just refreshes (not sure, though).
And 2 little suggestions:
I add to what someone said above me, why don't consider Frozen Mallet instead of Warmog?
And you wrote a mistake (or maybe i misunderstood) when suggesting the Abyssal Scepter: it doesn't "help your team to stand against massive AoE damages", it helps your team melt the ennemy team with massive AoE damages. If you want to survive ennemy magic damages, better keep your Aegis ^^
the DoT refreshes, which is another extra per second you're adding. IMO, it's about the same trade-off vs no mpen. that extra damage vs penetration. however, that's also another auto attack on top of just the DoT. but by all means, if you want that magic penetration, then take that on your quints instead of the GP10s. or get a Wit's End which i think i might add to my standard build.
Really nice build, i was using AP items at the start (RoA and Abyssal) before going to real tanking, but your guide make me realise that this isn't really worth it. Imma try yours.
But i totally disagree with your marks. Attack speed will be a waste quickly, and you can stand your jungle without those. Magic penetration is still better, since early it really increases your damage output against the 30 MR that the squishies have. Plus, i don't think your DoT from Titan's Wrath cumulates if you attack faster, it just refreshes (not sure, though).
And 2 little suggestions:
I add to what someone said above me, why don't consider Frozen Mallet instead of Warmog?
And you wrote a mistake (or maybe i misunderstood) when suggesting the Abyssal Scepter: it doesn't "help your team to stand against massive AoE damages", it helps your team melt the ennemy team with massive AoE damages. If you want to survive ennemy magic damages, better keep your Aegis ^^
1. i have considered mallet and tried. while the on-hit slow is pretty awesome paired with the rest of his CC, the extra health/shield is just overall better.
2. i did notice that re-reading through it but haven't bothered to changed it yet, thanks for actually reading the guide
Dont compare nautilus to sponge bob noob
spongebob is gay, and so are you :)
Having 9 attack speed runes is so useless it only helps at the start of jungling and it wont do much good at late game, I would go for magic penetration because hi deals mainly magic damage obv you know that.
Gold per 5 sec runes is such a waste of quince space that space could be used for hp per lvl quince which helps alot because when you are buying your philosopher's stone and boots you still want your hp to increase to boost the strength of your shield.
also your items is fine until you start picking warmog and other expensive but add only single stats items, this would be fine is your are having a great great game very good actually but for any normal game that is almost impossible to achieve, this is what I think but I believe items that are cheaper and add hp aswell as other stats will benefit nautilus alot more and I have have not started talking about no CD items for his shield skill so ye in my view thats a dream guide for uber fed nautilus but for average balanced game its not that effective.
and I would also swap flash for ghost for catching up with enermy maxing the chance of landing riptide and passive.
1. no, the attack speed runes are still very helpful even during the game putting out damage to more than just the jungle. if you get 3 auto attacks vs just 2 on an enemy champ with Titan's Wrath you are going to do more damage. and that extra auto attack is going to do more damage than just the two you got with your magic pen reds because it resets the DoT and deals an extra auto attack. another thing about a tank jungler to consider is that your job is tank. not deal damage.
2. the GP10 quints as i stated are for when you can't successfully gank and are still going to acquire a sufficient amount of farm regardless. usually you can grab warmogs around the 20-25 minute mark with those quints with the extra GP10 items. the build isn't based off being fed, it's based off tanking to efficiency which is achieved with an early aegis and a warmogs, when combined with his shield makes him extremely tanky.
3. ghost not needed for "catching up" when you have shurelya's and a hook. flash is better.
4. shurelya's has CDR. please go flame something you actually know what you're talking about :D
The jungling section also made my eyes bleed, it's all messed up and I didn't know where I was at the certain time while reading the tiny wall of text you put there.
You might want to fix that up.
But i totally disagree with your marks. Attack speed will be a waste quickly, and you can stand your jungle without those. Magic penetration is still better, since early it really increases your damage output against the 30 MR that the squishies have. Plus, i don't think your DoT from Titan's Wrath cumulates if you attack faster, it just refreshes (not sure, though).
And 2 little suggestions:
I add to what someone said above me, why don't consider Frozen Mallet instead of Warmog?
And you wrote a mistake (or maybe i misunderstood) when suggesting the Abyssal Scepter: it doesn't "help your team to stand against massive AoE damages", it helps your team melt the ennemy team with massive AoE damages. If you want to survive ennemy magic damages, better keep your Aegis ^^
Gold per 5 sec runes is such a waste of quince space that space could be used for hp per lvl quince which helps alot because when you are buying your philosopher's stone and boots you still want your hp to increase to boost the strength of your shield.
also your items is fine until you start picking warmog and other expensive but add only single stats items, this would be fine is your are having a great great game very good actually but for any normal game that is almost impossible to achieve, this is what I think but I believe items that are cheaper and add hp aswell as other stats will benefit nautilus alot more and I have have not started talking about no CD items for his shield skill so ye in my view thats a dream guide for uber fed nautilus but for average balanced game its not that effective.
and I would also swap flash for ghost for catching up with enermy maxing the chance of landing riptide and passive.