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Runes: You get scaling armor and magic resist, fine. You say that there's not much to say there. Not true. Most people (especially solo top champs) get at least flat armor, as laning can mean a lot in the game. I'm not saying never pick them, just explain why you do.
Masteries: You are playing a melee initiating dps champ, which means you need all the health you can get. Like you said, he doesn't have mana issues if you don't play him like a ******, so why not go 9 in defense?
Flash "Must-have spell on EVERYONE, totally non-negotiable." Can't agree with you there at all. I do think it's a #1 choice on Xin, but certainly not everyone. Look at, say, Mordekaiser. He is not a burst damage champ, he needs sustained damage. Flash will give him that step up for one more good hit, but he does way more damage if he can keep up with a fleeing guy continuing to damage him as his ult keeps wearing him down. There are other guys (generally tanks) that can afford to be hit by a stun or two, and don't need flash to make sure they are never targeted. Dr. Mundo can be hit by every spell on the other team and still live. Just saying.
Exhaust: "completely useless"? I can see taking Heal over it, but you don't get Frozen Mallet for a long time, and before that you are relying on a kinda meh slow. I generally max Audacious Charge early when I'm jungling with him, because his ganks are kinda weak without it, but having extra CC will help. It's at least viable, if not preferred.
Item build: You might want to expand on it some. You just give your 6 core items in your initial build, but then say later that you get Phage before you get some other things. All good choices, why not let the lazy people who will pay most attention to the cheat sheet know how it's working?
Black Cleaver: In comparing the dps pros and cons with PD etc. you never mention the passive. That's why people take it; having an enemy that has 45 less armor is a much squishier target. I'm not saying that you must include it in your build, but it's not fair to compare it other items without taking into account it's signature ability.
But, these are just the potential fixes you should look at. All in all, there's plenty of good info, and I think this guide will really help people. Also, it is noticeably different from many other guides, so it stands out there. Nice work overall.
really liked reading your guide. kept me very entertained and stuff.
keep up the great work!