Hey I just wanted to Ask around on what guide anyone would like me to make, if anyone wants a amateur guide maker to attempt one. (amateur means noobie right?) Sneak peek at what I'm planning to make:

So yeah. Course, I've barely started on the guide, so It would be fairly easy to change my mind onto another champion. xD I don't really care what champion I'm writing about, as long as it's needed on Mobafire, and it ain't someone like Tryndamere. ;P

And on the note of guides, I found this morning when my guide was at 89%, I left mobafire for 10 minutes, to find that it dropped to 83. =/ I don't really think this is luck, and the last time I made a karthus guide, (I archived it to make a new one) it reached 89, then dropped to 80 in one split second.

I dunno if I'm popular enough to have any haters :p (Is that a good thing?) but if anyone out there who is downvoting my guide reads this, I would like to know your opinion.
