Hey so I wanted to discuss 2 main sections of the patch notes and also see what your opinions on it were.

First off is the item changes

Atma's Impaler Health to Damage conversion lowered to 1.5% from 2%
Doran's Blade Health reduced to 80 from 100
Doran's Ring Health reduced to 80 from 100
Hexdrinker passive shield duration increased to 5 from 3.
Wit's End combine cost increased to 700 from 550 (total cost increased to 2150 from 2000)
Last Whisper will now show up as a Pickaxe upgrade in the item shop

#1. Well I dont know about you but I like the nerf on Atma's Impaler because I was really getting sick of the never ending atmog's builds every singe game. Maybe you all like it but im hope this brings more variety to the game.

#2. Doran's Blade and Doran's Ring health nerfed by 20. I guess they are trying to force people to start with something other then dorans while making Doran's Shield a much more true survial item in comparison to the rest of the dorans items. I'm not sure I like this but since I dont use dorans items much anymore as it is we will have to see how that plays out.

#3. Hexdrinker I really like this buff increase on the shield length. This has never been a popular item but now that it builds into something plus the small buff hopefully will continue to see it used more. Also its a very nice AD item aganst AP heavy teams or for junlers who want to gank mid A LOT.

#4. Last Whisper This is a nice utillity fix in store. The easier they make the store to find stuff and keep things listed as upgrades for items the less time I have to spend in there which means more time killing stuff XD

Secondly I would like to quickly discuss the Janna nerf

Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100)
Mana cost reduced to 150/225/300 from 200/275/350
Knock back distance reduced to 875 from 1000

#1. Howling Gale This is kind of both a nerf and a buff at the same time. In short it penalizes you for releasing it early. Once you wait 2 sec your back to what it was before and buff is at 3 sec charge where it now knocks things slightly higher. The downside to this is many Janna players rely on quick shots of this to save or disrupt all the time. These scenarios would not work if you let it charge up. Overall this is not a big change so I dont think there will be too much of a noticeable difference. It is an Interesting change from riot though.

#2. Monsoon Also received a nerf and buff. The buff starts with the manna cost reduction. I really like this because I often felt I had to watch my manna lvl very carefully to balance damage, support, and keeping manna available for my ult at early lvls. The nerf comes from reducing the knock back distance by 125. Now thats not much but against champs with gap closers this will result in the ult not being as effective. Also for Janna Players that like to shoot people into towers (like I do) with it will have to make sure the victim is closer to the towers to start with.

Overall not major changes to her but part of me is sad that Riot cant stop messing with support champs.

So what do you all think of these changes? Let me and the community know!

and remember to have fun XD