Starting sunday I will be cramming in as many graphic requests as possible, even the ones that were in my inbox, because... starting Monday, I'll be inactive again. Sorry!

My husband (I'm just gonna start calling him that now, since the wedding is getting so close), wishes for my company while he tromps through DIABLO 3! Monday night we will be buying food, and stocking up on gamer fuel for the 12AM release and for hours beyond that. I won't be getting any sleep for a few days, as I promised my husband I would be plowing through with him. I'm actually really excited. I got to play the beta and I'll be playing a DEMON HUNTER. That **** is so sexy.

So expect another week of inactivity, but I'll be back again.

Much love to you all, miss you guys. Especially Missmaw and Jhoi <3 :)