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For the guide, while the graphics are nice, for me, it is definitly to much wall of text. Add more formatings. You could also go more in-depth
My only suggestion is to consider highlighting important keywords to make the guide more legible.
Great job! +1
1.I use both Ghost and Teleport.
2.As I said in my Shen guide:"Ninjas are awesome".I wanted to get their shoes,so I bought Ninja Tabi.They also give me armor+10% reduced damage on each enemy attack.That is why I won't take so much damage.But maybe I should really take armor seals.
3.I gave you my build.I said get Sapphire Crystal and potions,after get catalyst.And buy Ninja Tabi after that.And I guess,what you meant is,do I get level 1 boots before catalyst.No,I don't.
4.I know.That was my 1st guide and was forgotten after 2nd was made.
5.I max W because all my team can enjoy that great AoE slow.
And yeah,I know what ya saying.
@ Ryan Firecrotch:
On the top,you depend on your own.You use mana and you need more of it for your abilities.Also,this is useful because of his passive and it builds toward catalyst.
Also,believe me,this is good chunk of resistances along with all offense you have.
How did you recognize me that quick? ' 3'
Mana Sapphire start is incredibly weak. I don't support not starting boots on a champion who excels so well at assisting in early ganks. Also, you'll regret not going armor yellows, and spell pen reds help you stay important late game. No one will ever hit a Singed doing 50 damage per tick.
Is this the Reddit guy with Graves flair? Haiii.
2. runes seems to be pretty ****ed. You will have tons of health, but almost 0 armor for a long time, so you will take a lot of damage from autoattacks and minions/towers. (e.g. armor-marks instead of mana-marks would help a lot)
3. Itembuild is pretty low detailed. Should i get boots first? should i rush catalyst and never buy boots until i can afford ninja tabi? etc, also no reasoning WHY to pick up this items and what alternatives are out there.
4. low formatting, only using ..., bit more afford in formating would have been nice for this guide.
5. skillorder is pretty bad. You need your slow only to slow them down a bit to fling them back, so you waste quite a bit of damage by not maxing Fling as second skill (it has 300 damage lvl 5 & a 1.0-APscaling).
P.S.: Lol,you play all the wrong tops.Listen to me dude.Buy Malphite,he is only 1350 and he is a true toplaner and tank with which you will learn what is top. (you know what i want to tell you...)
Yes there is,but you need to understand this is my first guide here.
Armor seals are way better than the HP ones, especially since most solo tops are AD.
Not really sure about ninja tabi, merc treads work better for singed, plus ninja tabi isn't as effective against ad casters like Urgot, Pantheon, et cetera. You mention in your cons that "crowd control breaks him", so why not get the much needed tenacity?
I don't really understand the point of the Introduction, "Singed is very special" and "Farming" chapters. There is already a table of contents linking to each chapter, so you don't need to write one again.
Overall, i don't like it. At all. But i won't vote, i will wait for changes. And i will check back, so please make those changes that are needed.