I just played a game where I was Noc, and I was facing a Riven. Every time I attacked and backed off, or just straight up ran away, the Riven called me a *****. Fair enough. So I killed the Riven eventually, then she killed me, and got a kill bot or mid or something. Now that she was a little bit stronger, she killed me again.

So at this point I'm thinking to myself "alright, no more 1v1s with this guy". I get skarner to gank and we get the kill. So of course he pulls the "hahahaha you need 2 people to kill me *****" card. My friend and I were getting annoyed, I kept quiet but my friend just ended up feeding the fire by arguing with him. Then our ryze leaves and everything fell apart.

From there on, everything we said they replied with "qqqqqqqqqq", "lol 1v1 me *****", and "2 ez". ATt this point, I've been trying to be as nice as possible while simultaneously trying to prevent having an aneurysm . So I tell them "can you please report ryze?" and mentioned that it was a 4v5. They said "qqqqqqqqqq" and "excuses noobs".

So we surrender and they basically just say the same thing "ez", "noobs", so on and so forth. I hate these people so much that it makes me want to quit league. Like, I even tried to make friends with one of the guys and he was just an absolute **** to me. I play league to have fun, but these people are just complete douche bags. Anyway, every time something like this happens, I just ***** about it on here because none of my friends or family care, so if you don't like it, don't leave a nasty comment, just move on. ok dat's it.