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Jayce Build Guide by Azar218

A Jayce of All Trades (Full Revamp In Progress)

A Jayce of All Trades (Full Revamp In Progress)

Updated on June 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azar218 Build Guide By Azar218 46 11 351,606 Views 39 Comments
46 11 351,606 Views 39 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Azar218 Jayce Build Guide By Azar218 Updated on June 20, 2013
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GreenFrogs (40) | May 11, 2013 10:14am
Azar218 wrote:

I realize that I'm in Bronze Tier. Be that as it may, I don't usually make a habit of playing ranked. I like playing premades with my friends because I really don't like solo queue, and like most young people, we are busy. I like doing other things besides League of Legends, like my writing. This guide was an outlet for me to publish something so I could see the reaction to it, and so far the only person who has reacted terribly is you. Obviously we have a difference of opinion on how to build Jayce, but this is how I've played him for a long time, and it's worked for me. Now allow me to address some of the things in your comments:

Boot + pots start: Despite the nerfs I still think they're decent. When I say that boots will help you dodge skill shots, I did not mean that they will dodge skill shots for you. The extra speed, however, can make a difference, and a well timed Transform can make this easier.

Levelling Mercury Hammer/ Mercury Cannon: I've considered not levelling this, but the passive resistances on Mercury Hammer are necessary for Jayce, since I don't really emphasize resistances in this guide. Those defenses are necessary for Jayce to survive in melee range.

Blade of the Ruined King: It isn't super OP any more. I realize that. However, there are times you can use it. The items chapter description is from the Preseason and early Season 3. I should get around to fixing that.

Trinity Force: It's a good all-round item. I included it under offense because all of its utility is used in an offensive manner.

Mobility Boots: Never really liked them, I always found myself selling them for Mercury's Treads whenever I need MR, and since Zephyr is no longer on this guide, the tenacity is needed even more. I've never been particularly fond of roaming during the laning phase; in solo top, your job is to get fed as quickly as possible and stay that way, and I don't really see that happening if I let my lane opponent get farm.

Mercurial Scimitar: It is a gold sink. However, Jayce is killed by CC. Despite his considerable amount of disengage, he can still be killed, and the Quicksilver Sash active can be the difference between life and death. The extra MR is nice.

As for the gameplay section, it's old, I need to rework it, I appreciate you bringing that to my attention.

Faerie Charm: I honestly hadn't really entertained the idea of a start like this.

2 Defensive Items: It's an example build. Emphasis example.

So overall:

A build is purely opinion. If I had included Rabadon's Deathcap in this guide, then I could understand your frustration with me. However, I don't write you off completely. However, after looking at some of your other comments, it appears to me that you are incredibly disrespectful to people and their work, as shown through your comments here. Now I won't say I was insulted by what you wrote, anything to improve what I've worked on is appreciated. Be that as it may, you told me what I did wrong through a manner of ill-tempered sarcasm and and slandering me and my work. It has done nothing to increase my respect towards you as a person, and has not increased my predilections towards your revisions.
Now, my cheat sheet is neither wrong, nor is 7/8ths of my information. I agree with you in some respects, but this is a guide that will be constantly evolving. And I cannot restate enough, much of building champions is a matter of opinion as to what works and what doesn't.
Given everything I've said, I still respect you, your opinions, and your skill at this game. You're right that I'm not the best, but I don't have time to be. I'd appreciate if you cooled down and presented your information in a more cordial way. It would make you seem like less of a jerk, and God only knows that we need less of those in the League community. Lasty, I do appreciate your edits, and I'll get around to that when I get around to that.

"A build is purely opinion"

That phrase right there sir, lost you many points. If you want to talk about fun builds, it applies. If you want to talk about troll builds, it applies, but real builds go down real viable paths, and only deviate from those paths depending on the situation. Jayce is a burst ad caster. You do not need armor. If you get engaged upon in a poor situation, it's not your armor that's used to help you combat that, no, it's your E, because you're almost in a solo lane. You have two abilities that increase mobility, therefore it should be very hard for the enemy to engage on you in the first place. You are sacrificing, an actual, real amount of damage for armor and MR you don't need if you're playing jayce correctly. And yes your "guide" is strictly about masteries, summoner spells, items, and abilities. Everything that can be found in the cheat sheet is you guide, then you get this tiny section, very small, about how to actually play jayce. The definition of a guide on mobafire is to explain how to play a champion. Not how to build them. Sure, it helps, and you need it, but when the vast majority of your guide is made up of text and pictures of information in your cheat sheet, it's pure ********. And then people come and upvote something because it's pretty? Then I look at that guide and it does nothing but tell me what items to buy, what abilities that champion has, what masteries I should use. Guess what, some people actually want to know how to play that champ. How do I zone with that champ. How should I CS with that champ. What is my strategy with that champ. The fact is, if you really know Jayce's role, you'd type it out and include it in your guide, in a specific and helpful manner. But you don't.
Azar218 (2) | May 11, 2013 6:26am
GreenFrogs wrote:

This is a bad guide. No, can't even call it a guide. It's a build, that's wrong. First off you include boots 3 pots as a starting option. That shouldn't even be used as a joke anymore. You can and will get bullied so hard out of lane. Boots don't let you dodge skill shots. You do, so if you can't, that's your fault, not the fact that you wouldn't have boots. You don't include any start with a faerie charm, which is very good on jayce because he can build his tear right away, and it allows him to start with wards and pots. Then you also suggest a flask start on someone who rushes a tear. Flask is an investment. If you don't need it after your second back you're doing something wrong. Then you include a Black Cleaver in your category list, and only two items in that same category. You include Tri Force and a BotRK in offensive as well? No. You are not an adc. BotRK is not super OP anymore. Jayce is an AD caster that excels at poke and burst damage, and BotRK would only be taken if everyone on their team was tanky. You don't even include Mobi boots which are fantastic on a jayce that wants to roam, but wait, the definition of roaming hasn't been found in bronze 1 yet. You also include a Mercurial Scimitar in your defensive items. That is an enormous gold sink for something you shouldn't need with the amount of disengage jayce has. And you include two defensive items in your example build. Do you want to do no damage late game? The cheat sheet, alone, is awful. Your skill order is wrong. You do not level your ultimate until you need to and you focus on your Q then E then W until they are all maxed. You do not need the extra stuff from your ult. It is so negligible until late game, and even then, it's not even that strong. Then when I finally get to the guide, I find that 7/8ths of it is information about your incorrect build. Thanks for teaching me how to play jayce. Then you say change to hammer form at level 4 to zone your opponent out. Are you kidding? You zone out your opponent when you're in ranged form, because you're ranged. If you go in hammer form, they're going to take advantage of the CD on your ult, and bully you. Then you say to wittle them down to 1/4th health with your ranged abilities before you move in for the kill. You can destroy 3/4s of a squishies health with one combo, which again, explains how much you don't know how to play jayce.

So overall:

Your build is actually wrong. The problem with a lot of mobafire guides isn't actually with their build, it's with the fact that they're never guides; they're only builds. That's unfortunate for you because the one thing you have, is just false. Then we get around to the part where you're supposed to talk about how to play jayce. You wanna know why you can't? Because you don't know how, because you're in bronze, because you aren't good at this game. I'm gonna make sure this guide, unless completely revamped, never sees the light.

I realize that I'm in Bronze Tier. Be that as it may, I don't usually make a habit of playing ranked. I like playing premades with my friends because I really don't like solo queue, and like most young people, we are busy. I like doing other things besides League of Legends, like my writing. This guide was an outlet for me to publish something so I could see the reaction to it, and so far the only person who has reacted terribly is you. Obviously we have a difference of opinion on how to build Jayce, but this is how I've played him for a long time, and it's worked for me. Now allow me to address some of the things in your comments:

Boot + pots start: Despite the nerfs I still think they're decent. When I say that boots will help you dodge skill shots, I did not mean that they will dodge skill shots for you. The extra speed, however, can make a difference, and a well timed Transform can make this easier.

Levelling Mercury Hammer/ Mercury Cannon: I've considered not levelling this, but the passive resistances on Mercury Hammer are necessary for Jayce, since I don't really emphasize resistances in this guide. Those defenses are necessary for Jayce to survive in melee range.

Blade of the Ruined King: It isn't super OP any more. I realize that. However, there are times you can use it. The items chapter description is from the Preseason and early Season 3. I should get around to fixing that.

Trinity Force: It's a good all-round item. I included it under offense because all of its utility is used in an offensive manner.

Mobility Boots: Never really liked them, I always found myself selling them for Mercury's Treads whenever I need MR, and since Zephyr is no longer on this guide, the tenacity is needed even more. I've never been particularly fond of roaming during the laning phase; in solo top, your job is to get fed as quickly as possible and stay that way, and I don't really see that happening if I let my lane opponent get farm.

Mercurial Scimitar: It is a gold sink. However, Jayce is killed by CC. Despite his considerable amount of disengage, he can still be killed, and the Quicksilver Sash active can be the difference between life and death. The extra MR is nice.

As for the gameplay section, it's old, I need to rework it, I appreciate you bringing that to my attention.

Faerie Charm: I honestly hadn't really entertained the idea of a start like this.

2 Defensive Items: It's an example build. Emphasis example.

So overall:

A build is purely opinion. If I had included Rabadon's Deathcap in this guide, then I could understand your frustration with me. However, I don't write you off completely. However, after looking at some of your other comments, it appears to me that you are incredibly disrespectful to people and their work, as shown through your comments here. Now I won't say I was insulted by what you wrote, anything to improve what I've worked on is appreciated. Be that as it may, you told me what I did wrong through a manner of ill-tempered sarcasm and and slandering me and my work. It has done nothing to increase my respect towards you as a person, and has not increased my predilections towards your revisions.
Now, my cheat sheet is neither wrong, nor is 7/8ths of my information. I agree with you in some respects, but this is a guide that will be constantly evolving. And I cannot restate enough, much of building champions is a matter of opinion as to what works and what doesn't.
Given everything I've said, I still respect you, your opinions, and your skill at this game. You're right that I'm not the best, but I don't have time to be. I'd appreciate if you cooled down and presented your information in a more cordial way. It would make you seem like less of a jerk, and God only knows that we need less of those in the League community. Lasty, I do appreciate your edits, and I'll get around to that when I get around to that.
GreenFrogs (40) | May 10, 2013 7:34pm
This is a bad guide. No, can't even call it a guide. It's a build, that's wrong. First off you include boots 3 pots as a starting option. That shouldn't even be used as a joke anymore. You can and will get bullied so hard out of lane. Boots don't let you dodge skill shots. You do, so if you can't, that's your fault, not the fact that you wouldn't have boots. You don't include any start with a faerie charm, which is very good on jayce because he can build his tear right away, and it allows him to start with wards and pots. Then you also suggest a flask start on someone who rushes a tear. Flask is an investment. If you don't need it after your second back you're doing something wrong. Then you include a Black Cleaver in your category list, and only two items in that same category. You include Tri Force and a BotRK in offensive as well? No. You are not an adc. BotRK is not super OP anymore. Jayce is an AD caster that excels at poke and burst damage, and BotRK would only be taken if everyone on their team was tanky. You don't even include Mobi boots which are fantastic on a jayce that wants to roam, but wait, the definition of roaming hasn't been found in bronze 1 yet. You also include a Mercurial Scimitar in your defensive items. That is an enormous gold sink for something you shouldn't need with the amount of disengage jayce has. And you include two defensive items in your example build. Do you want to do no damage late game? The cheat sheet, alone, is awful. Your skill order is wrong. You do not level your ultimate until you need to and you focus on your Q then E then W until they are all maxed. You do not need the extra stuff from your ult. It is so negligible until late game, and even then, it's not even that strong. Then when I finally get to the guide, I find that 7/8ths of it is information about your incorrect build. Thanks for teaching me how to play jayce. Then you say change to hammer form at level 4 to zone your opponent out. Are you kidding? You zone out your opponent when you're in ranged form, because you're ranged. If you go in hammer form, they're going to take advantage of the CD on your ult, and bully you. Then you say to wittle them down to 1/4th health with your ranged abilities before you move in for the kill. You can destroy 3/4s of a squishies health with one combo, which again, explains how much you don't know how to play jayce.

So overall:

Your build is actually wrong. The problem with a lot of mobafire guides isn't actually with their build, it's with the fact that they're never guides; they're only builds. That's unfortunate for you because the one thing you have, is just false. Then we get around to the part where you're supposed to talk about how to play jayce. You wanna know why you can't? Because you don't know how, because you're in bronze, because you aren't good at this game. I'm gonna make sure this guide, unless completely revamped, never sees the light.
jmp01 | April 5, 2013 11:09am
Best Jace guide ever
Tecnology (3) | April 4, 2013 7:30am
Man, please, add a Mid Lane build for Jayce. He is too awesome for mid lane, stronk burst
Tecnology (3) | March 31, 2013 9:11pm
mid lane jayce plis
Theramost | March 1, 2013 2:08pm
Ay u, dizzz pwetty good guide, yup yup, ;;; iz gewd

11/0/4 first gaem dood
Antikytherous | December 17, 2012 2:36pm
Lol Jayce is one of my mains but I don't use him that much anymore because I don't lose with him and its no fun...getting to the point is this is generally all my builds depending on the position. I do change certain items depending on the team comp but this definitely gets a thumbs up. TBH I didn't really read the whole guide but you may want to add in situational items like swapping out atmas for maw if its a heavy ap team etc.

EDIT: nm, looks like you got it all covered
Azerath53 | December 17, 2012 1:58pm
I have a couple of questions do you think an early brutalizer is good on Jayce or do think that sheen, zeal and phage are better first? If they are better first which order would you buy them in would you go phage then brutalizer then sheen ect? I'm looking to modify my build a little bit to give him that extra umph.
Azerath53 | December 17, 2012 1:58pm
I have a couple of questions do you think an early brutalizer is good on Jayce or do think that sheen, zeal and phage are better first? If they are better first which order would you buy them in would you go phage then brutalizer then sheen ect? I'm looking to modify my build a little bit to give him that extra umph.
Selutu (2) | December 17, 2012 3:29am
Nice build, but you do have some wrong information here. Mainly saying that Atma gives an on-hit effect of damaging based on your maximum health, however in reality, it just gives flat AD equals to 1.5% of your maximum health.
Ray The Guy (9) | December 5, 2012 2:58pm
Very detailed guide, I like how you point out unusual roles for Jayce while still making them coherent.
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