Hello all, my name is Kasey, and this is my first post. As this is my first post let me give you some insight into me quickly so you may better see the image I am trying to paint.

I have played League of Legends (LoL) since early beta, and my favorite lanes are Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and Top lane (Top). From the beginning I fell in love with a character named Twitch; he has been, and forever will be my favorite character for any game for all time. However over the last year and a half I have been experimenting with top lane, and the different characters that have different play styles: Tank, Ability Power (AP) heavy champs, ADCs, and supports. I prefer Tank tops personally, for it frees up my jungle to be more damage heavy and help kill other lanes. My favorites are Cho'gath, Taric, Alistar, Gangplank (Tankplank) and Amumu. I seem to do well in my lane even though I dont do much damage. I have a question for all of you out there that may read this. Which form of top do you like? I just got done playing a ranked with Amumu top and I beat an Olaf top, however lost the game. Please respond back, and if you have any feedback about my writing, or my gaming id be more than happy to read.

Thank you very much and have a great end of September.

Which is your favorite top? Style and Character please.