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Is Runic Shield functioning differently now somehow or is it a lot better in practice than it appears on paper? 50 health shield every time you respawn seems a bit redundant on a tank/jungle who will probably not be spending too much time dead.
I made an account just for this build, How are you able to place 21 in defense without placing any pts in the 4th row????
Ive been using this guide exclusively for skarner so Im trying to get things set for season 4.
Also, could you clarify what exactly makes skarner "OP" due to the new masteries and why they are re working him? (besides fixing E)
(Do you have any idea if it will be a buff or a nerf?)
Lastly, PLEASE take a look at my season 4 mastery page I used before you updated yours.
I just steemrolled a game before I saw your new update and Im hesitant on switching.
(Im not a pro, just experimenting.)Using those masteries, I would follow your guid and rush TF.
From there I would build depending on the game like RO, FM, Warmongs,
[EDIT] OK so the image was too large, anyone can just right click it and view in new window or tab.
When switching try it in a normal game first. The TF rush is not always the best either by the way , if behind you should be getting a defensive item but out of my experience it's quite easy to get ahead with skarner as his kit is extremely strong when you look at his W+Q+R. Warmogs is not a very good item imo , u pay so much for only health when you can get randuins or spirit visage which give a lot of effective health ( MR / Armour is gud ) or sticking powers. Frozen mallet is uneccesarry as you have your Q to perma-slow them. I don't like the rework because they are removing his perma slow on his Q , they are actually putting the slow on top of the E which means he is much less dangerous but he can now slow you from a range so that he can actually get close to you easier. I don't know how I should feel about this... It's not the same. Skarner is OP because the new masteries give better stats than last season :O. Skarner has also been able to outclear most junglers and he can pressure really hard and failing a gank once or twice wont matter because you outclass a lot of other junglers.
Drakon 136: ok i fixed the masteries , was a little mistake when putting it in ._.. Thx for mentioning it
Ive been using this guide exclusively for skarner so Im trying to get things set for season 4.
Also, could you clarify what exactly makes skarner "OP" due to the new masteries and why they are re working him? (besides fixing E)
(Do you have any idea if it will be a buff or a nerf?)
Lastly, PLEASE take a look at my season 4 mastery page I used before you updated yours.
I just steemrolled a game before I saw your new update and Im hesitant on switching.
(Im not a pro, just experimenting.)Using those masteries, I would follow your guid and rush TF.
From there I would build depending on the game like RO, FM, Warmongs,
[EDIT] OK so the image was too large, anyone can just right click it and view in new window or tab.
I have absolutely no idea how you think disregarding his E until lvl 13 is a good idea. You are literally taking away a ton of sustain and denying yourself an 80 damage nuke on a ~6s cooldown. You somehow talk about how he's a good counter jungler and you don't use E? Wtf.
This makes me mad because people are going to take a look at the skill order and mindlessly follow it without thinking and then lose games because they are missing out on a huge part of his kit. I can't belive you have 1k upvotes, you should have 1k downvotes for the skill order alone.
E is mediocre at best. Wasted mana. Mediocre sustain. Mediocre Damage. Doesn´t add as much consistent damage as Q and W do. I wouldn´t call 80 dmg a nuke either.... Please read the guide. And work on your wording , you come across as rude. You could have said it nicely like: ''I believe that not skilling E is actually not the best possible route because ..... .''. Did you really have to bring up up- and downvotes?
Sortkaffe: I think visage of banshee is really good yeah... Should add that i guess. Visage broken as **** :D!
I think guardians is a somewhat carry item and it doesn't provide HP so I'm not a big fan.
I don't think I wanna spend 2.5k gold on abyssal for some AP and MR on skarner tho... I'd prefer having a banshee/locket/visage because they provide only tank stats :).
Anyways don't forget guys! Taking E before lvl 13 is ****!
This makes me mad because people are going to take a look at the skill order and mindlessly follow it without thinking and then lose games because they are missing out on a huge part of his kit. I can't belive you have 1k upvotes, you should have 1k downvotes for the skill order alone.
Wit's end is a great offensive item (as you write) but only provides 25 MR.
Of course there is a lot of possibilities and it all comes up to the specific situation you're in - but when facing an AP heavy team get a Negatron Cloak and when appropiate build it into either:
* Spirit Visage: to hit the 40% CDR (together with the 2x10% from Iceborn and Shurelya's). It also makes you E a little more useful - your E should btw be spammed in team fights too keep you alive and actually make you able to tank and deside the outcome of the fight.
* Banshee's Veil: if you build other CDR or doesnt feel you need CDR that much (e.g. if you build Frozen Heart or if you build Locket of the Iron Solari but it just isn't enough MR). Also if there's an Nidalee on the enemy team to that you can actually tank her spears without loosing a quarter of your health even before the fight has started.
* Abyssal Scepter: If you have two AP's on your team or your AP cary is just really fed and you wanna increase their damage output even further.
* Guardian Angel: If the enemy team just deals so much damage that you can't tank safely.
Besides that I think you should consider how to stay healthy in the jungle. In my opinion a big quality for a jungler is to stay ready and healthy in case of an opportunity or need of a gank or even if getting counter jungled. In that perspective I find that Skarner needs some regeneration besides what Spirit Stone provides - so either take a point in E at level 4 or if that doesnt work put 3 more points into the utility tree for Vampirism (I also prefer wanderer over Improved Recall and even Mastermind, but Improved Recall tells me that your solution might be that you just recall a lot - but then you loose map presence and jungle farm). In the defense tree I would also take up to 3 points in Perseverance (again to improve jungling fase) and consider not taking points in Tenacious as they are wasted as soon that you've rushed Spirit of the Ancient Golem because tenacity stacks badly. And don't take more than 1 point in Juggernaut as the two last points gives you a smaller amount than the first and as it's a percentage bonus of your current health have much health with this build, you don't get much from it. When you're turret diving duing a gank Safeguard can give you an healthy edge too.