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Runes: 3 health marks in lane phase will do you absolutely nothing, replace these with .91 armor as it reduces % damage and allows thresh to be durable in lane to collect souls.
Other than that your runes are fine, I would recommend looking at scaling MR glyphs though, just because most of the time you wont take magic damage bot, and you get double MR for this.
I don't think cloth armor is the way to go here, it doesnt build into GP10 or sightstone...I'd recomend just getting health rejuv bead and 2-3 health pots, better sustain. then you can build philo faster and go straight for sightstone after that. now if you want to go health rejuv bead and cloth armor that is acceptable IF the other team has a bad pre-6 gank: shyve, warwick, and others you can think of.
Shurylas is a must item throughout the whole game, the active is too valuable to sell, needs to be in your core items. that will also give you max CDR. go shury, CDR boots, and 10% from masteries and your at 40% bam...
Now that your at 40% remove frozen heart from the option, top players should get that, not the support...far too expensive, i only get it on blitz.
Iceborn gauntlet is just awful, u can check my guide to see why, but ill put it in short....awful proc rating, awful base damage so 125% of 80 something is just bad..., and 99% slow already puts targets at the minimum speed of 110....let your top, jungle, adc get it if it is needed...the item isn't needed though. on top of that it is expensive.
thornmail is a huge no, does litterally nothing for you and should not be built on anyone, especially support...that item is just bad....that is like a level 10-20 item that ppl go against AD yi and so on...not for level 30's playing ranked games.
Banshee's isn't a support item, but it could be put to replace your giant belt items, just mention it is amazing against poke teams like ap nid and so on.
Skill sequence: Your Q should not be maxed unless you are taking AD runes and only adds to the pull damage, CDR, and extra scaling damage on the Q. maxing flay gives it more damage and a higher slow amount, just better in general. If you plan on poking constantly with Q passive go for it though.
Masteries: these aren't bad, i think you have a lot of extra points in utility that you don't need, you could put 5 points in defense.
Pros and cons: most champs don't receive MR per level, thats not a con but just most champs lol. Also not getting armor per level is a pro because if you collect souls correctly you will gain armor bout twice as fast as what levels could get you, hence y adc thresh works in lane, he gets heavy armor.
summoner spells: for support clarity, teleport, and ghost shouldn't even be an option....clarity is just bad..teleport is for split pushing late game, and ghost doesn't work on thresh cause at times you will want to flash in for a Q or flash in for an R.
Other than that your guide seemed pretty straight, good pics, definitions...Id put up stat records....adcs that go well with thresh, counter lane opponents and so on.
I would bring more effective structure in your guide.
Sometimes it is really weird to read :(