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Olaf Build Guide by DeathmasterSlug

AD Offtank Olaf-The Tanky DPS Skandian

AD Offtank Olaf-The Tanky DPS Skandian

Updated on February 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DeathmasterSlug Build Guide By DeathmasterSlug 212 43 2,030,040 Views 97 Comments
212 43 2,030,040 Views 97 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DeathmasterSlug Olaf Build Guide By DeathmasterSlug Updated on February 7, 2014
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DeathmasterSlug (8) | February 8, 2014 4:29am
Vynertje wrote:

Agreed with Janitsu. What kind of drug have you been taking to think that Phantom Dancer is a good item for Olaf?

please refer to the above rant (y)
DeathmasterSlug (8) | February 8, 2014 4:28am
Janitsu wrote:

List of things I disagree with:

Scattered runes. Something basic like AD marks, armor seals, mr glyphs and ad/life steal/armor pen quints are far better than health seals or ad/as glyphs

Taking neither Ghost nor Flash. You are dead and you have no escape from, let's say, jungler. And with this build, they are mandatory

Suggesting Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Frozen Mallet, Berserker's Greaves, Warmog's Armor and Atma's Impaler. You have NO resistance and thus making your health pretty useless. Ravenous Hydra is superior to Bloodthirster on Olaf, Phantom Dancer should be replaced with a defensive item, Frozen Mallet is just plain bad item and you have Phage in the "all items" which doesn't build into anything you've listed in the "completed build". Berserker's Greaves is definitely worse than Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads. Randuin's Omen and Sunfire Aegis are both better than Atma's Impaler or Warmog's Armor because Warmog's Armor offers no utility and only health which is pretty useless without resistances backing it up. Atma's Impaler needs something around 4k health for it to be actually useful. You will get better stats by building Sunfire Aegis.

Why don't you take Martial Mastery but you do take Executioner ?

You can't take Second Wind without having 3 points in Perseverance.

talisman of ascension on Olaf is pretty sad. Just take Ghost

so an old champion spotlight tells you to give items that don't even exist probably? Quite an odd situation

Champion spotlight and lore are both useless. If you want to include them, use spoilers.

2/3 pros aren't pros. And his best ability in the early game is Undertow by far.

You have Barrier in the cheat sheet but you don't explain it in the summoner's spells?

Different masteries in the cheat sheet

No, it doesn't build into Frozen Mallet

WTF, this item doesn't even exist anymore

Pretty much the whole abilities section is wrong. Wrong information all around the guide

Please archive the guide and update the information. And don't make guides for champions you have no knowledge of building.

dude, everything you said was perfect, but heres the thing. This. Is. How. I. PLayed. Olaf. At. The. Time. i didn't play ranked with this build, **** that i would have got destroyed in half a second by a Soraka. This is how i played when i was like lvl 15, i hardly play anymore so as much as i hate to say it, there is no point pointing out flaws in a guide that was made by a 15 year old kid, i get that 85% of the build is 'wrong' but **** man give me a break, as i said i was 15. Your knowledge is awesome, but dude I'm more worried about my ATAR (Graduation marks) than "Pretty much the whole abilities section is wrong. Wrong information all around the guide"... so i agree with all your points, but here is the kicker, this guide is meant for people who are just starting of with Olaf. If you are still using it in ranked or high ELO play... FYL... a lot. I applaud you for knowing that much stuff, holy **** i actually do. Its been so long i don't even know what goes into an Atmas Impaler anymore. (And now you or some other 'individual' will come back with a witty remark of "well delete the guide then") so i'm sorry if i kinda ruined your night with my "wrong information all round" guide.
Vynertje (386) | February 7, 2014 12:59pm
Agreed with Janitsu. What kind of drug have you been taking to think that Phantom Dancer is a good item for Olaf?
Janitsu (569) | February 7, 2014 6:13am

List of things I disagree with:

Scattered runes. Something basic like AD marks, armor seals, mr glyphs and ad/life steal/armor pen quints are far better than health seals or ad/as glyphs

Taking neither Ghost nor Flash. You are dead and you have no escape from, let's say, jungler. And with this build, they are mandatory

Suggesting Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Frozen Mallet, Berserker's Greaves, Warmog's Armor and Atma's Impaler. You have NO resistance and thus making your health pretty useless. Ravenous Hydra is superior to Bloodthirster on Olaf, Phantom Dancer should be replaced with a defensive item, Frozen Mallet is just plain bad item and you have Phage in the "all items" which doesn't build into anything you've listed in the "completed build". Berserker's Greaves is definitely worse than Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads. Randuin's Omen and Sunfire Aegis are both better than Atma's Impaler or Warmog's Armor because Warmog's Armor offers no utility and only health which is pretty useless without resistances backing it up. Atma's Impaler needs something around 4k health for it to be actually useful. You will get better stats by building Sunfire Aegis.

Why don't you take Martial Mastery but you do take Executioner ?

You can't take Second Wind without having 3 points in Perseverance.

talisman of ascension on Olaf is pretty sad. Just take Ghost


I personally think that Phreak gets the wrong items, but hey its up to you, this spotlight will tell you how to play Olaf for the first time.

so an old champion spotlight tells you to give items that don't even exist probably? Quite an odd situation

Champion spotlight and lore are both useless. If you want to include them, use spoilers.

2/3 pros aren't pros. And his best ability in the early game is Undertow by far.

You have Barrier in the cheat sheet but you don't explain it in the summoner's spells?

Different masteries in the cheat sheet

No, it doesn't build into Frozen Mallet

WTF, this item doesn't even exist anymore

Pretty much the whole abilities section is wrong. Wrong information all around the guide

Please archive the guide and update the information. And don't make guides for champions you have no knowledge of building.
DeathmasterSlug (8) | February 7, 2014 4:45am

Good afternoon.
Excellent guide, I'm just not understanding your masteries, I could detail their masteries?
I will be very grateful.

oh **** yeah, sorry i havnt got around to that yet, will do now tho :)
warlley silva | February 6, 2014 11:40am
Good afternoon.
Excellent guide, I'm just not understanding your masteries, I could detail their masteries?
I will be very grateful.
DeathmasterSlug (8) | February 4, 2014 6:48am

Heelow DeathmasterSlug ^_^

Me have question about Phage on your build OwO

On your build, you didn't build it into Trinity Force at the end. Should I sell Phage during the mid game/late game or after I got my Frozen Mallet? :3

Also, do you have mastery for your build? :3

Hey there, umm i kept it because i liked the damage that the frozen mallet presented for me at the time. You can build whatever suits you the best at that time. But i thank you for rreading my guide :D
NommyPancake (5) | January 28, 2014 8:35pm
Heelow DeathmasterSlug ^_^

Me have question about Phage on your build OwO

On your build, you didn't build it into Trinity Force at the end. Should I sell Phage during the mid game/late game or after I got my Frozen Mallet? :3

Also, do you have mastery for your build? :3
DeathmasterSlug (8) | January 27, 2014 6:34am
caxCaS wrote:


DeathmasterSlug (8) | January 27, 2014 6:33am

Amazing guide. i gave my own twist to it but i kept most of it the same. first game with him 23-5 :D thanks

:') no problem man <3 nice job
DeathmasterSlug (8) | January 27, 2014 6:32am
Camerotus wrote:

Why don't you use Spirit Visage in your build? Since it increases his Lifesteal even more?

Thats pretty much just what i usually role with, but i do add spirit visage 87% of the time, these items are just the ones i roll with most of the time. :)
caxCaS | January 21, 2014 11:06am
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