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There's no sense in getting mad at "whatever it is" because that won't do anything.
Second, raging towards them shows a lack of discipline, and makes you stoop to their level. Most of them are probably puppet accounts of other builds.
Third, GreenFrogs can do that, and he will. As will someone like Laggermeister. There is truth to their words, though, and if you want to get mad, then feel free, but it won't change anything.
If it's still "under-construction," that's kind of the same as being "unfinished." Archive, finish, then republish.
Just regular guide tips and whatnot. Guide looks pretty good, but finish it and update.
Now i see why people dislike mobafire when they make a guide. All the troll votes with no explanations being a jerk on the internet cause you're a midget irl. lol
There is no explanation on why you down-voted the guide. Similar case to teemoisthedevil's vote. You can't just down-vote a guide because you don't like the person it's from or that it's not a high elo guide.
No, but I can downvote a guide if ONE: the author doesn't see the explicit reason why I downvoted, and TWO: if it's not a guide. 3rd time I need to repeat myself. IT'S NOT A GUIDE. IT'S A BUILD.
She just came out. There should be NO guides out yet. That, and you should make this a GUIDE, not a BUILD. And why are the top two guides made by bronze players? No offense, but if I'm going to upvote a guide on a champion that just came out, I'd rather not be looking at a player from the bottom 25%.
There is no explanation on why you down-voted the guide. Similar case to teemoisthedevil's vote. You can't just down-vote a guide because you don't like the person it's from or that it's not a high elo guide.
This is called Troll voting. Please read the rules section.
I've been using Lissandra for a day, and I love using her.
However, each time I meet with Syndra at mid, I get totally devastated.
She totally out-ranges and out-damages me.
Do you have any advise against her?
im up voting this because you are the only person who has an un******ed skill order, plus its the best guide i have seen so far. things i think you need to add/change:
-hourglass should be a core item and haunting guise should be moved to later in the build as there are just better items for her
-you should add a section about managing your passive
-you might want to think about adding a double dorans ring instead of chalice. ive had pretty good outcomes by doing this but it may not be the best choice so idk.
-last but not least a whole section about when to use your ult on yourself vs an enemy (i feel like this should be an easy concept but you would be surprised how many people mess this up -_-)
good guide over all though
Thanks for the support and the constructive criticism :) I will look into all of your ideas and try to implement them into the guide. Thanks again ;)