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Kayle Build Guide by ExtremeKabuto

AP Carry [S4] AP Kayle: A Unique Kind of AP Carry

AP Carry [S4] AP Kayle: A Unique Kind of AP Carry

Updated on July 6, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ExtremeKabuto Build Guide By ExtremeKabuto 159 12 2,874,145 Views 103 Comments
159 12 2,874,145 Views 103 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ExtremeKabuto Kayle Build Guide By ExtremeKabuto Updated on July 6, 2014
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Shisco | December 26, 2014 10:25am
I liked your guide, it's very useful. However I have a question concerning the numbers section. I am having a hard time figuring out what the second and third bracket to calculate dps means. Could you give an explanation for each segment of the damage calculation to be able to calculate it myself?
jungle everywhere (3) | December 12, 2014 2:44am
I also made a guide for Kayle based on yours. I have some Different items but it is mostly about strategies I use. Check it and give feedback please!

Intervention - in-depth Kayle
FlameRider4 | November 19, 2014 2:11pm
I notice that there isn't much tenacity on kalye and mid/top champs have a decent amount of cc where they'll wreck your leaning phase and your split pushing. So I reccomend Zephyr for AS and CD-R on her abilities as well as Merc Treads vs AP heavy teams. Otherwise,good guide
Heonix | November 1, 2014 5:54pm
In your notes in the "early game" block of items, you wrote "Armor penetration" instead of "Magic penetration"
ExtremeKabuto (6) | August 5, 2014 9:35am
She's still certainly viable. If the nerf to her Righteous Fury had gone through a year - year and a half earlier (before the changes to Nashors Tooth) then I think that she would be the gutter. but with Nashors and arcane blade, you have 0.4 scaling on E which is essentially where she was when she first got buffed enough to make AP Kayle viable in the first place.

So yeah, definitely not as strong as she used to be but still strong if you get what I'm saying :P
freddddyyy | August 5, 2014 1:03am
How viable is she after all of the nerfs?

Nice guide +1 (:
ExtremeKabuto (6) | July 29, 2014 7:48pm
Hey. Sorry for the Late reply. Been busy with soem other stuff. I don't like Hextech Gunblade because it has lifesteal and Spellvamp. Because Kayle's Righteous Fury is AOE Damage, it only heals for 1/3 of what it usually would. So say you have Spell Vamp of 20% from Gunblade. Reckoning is 260 Damage at max rank plus .6AP. (260 + (65 X 0.6)) X 0.2 = 59.8. Ok. A 59.8 Health Heal. Great.

Righteous Fury? Is AOE.

Now assume once again that you only have the AP from Hextech - 65. Righteous Fury is 60 Bonus Magic Damage + 0.25 AP + 0.05 AP ( Arcane Blade

((60 + (65 X 0.3)) X 0.2)/3

= ((60 + 19.5) X 0.2)/3
= (79.5 X 0.2)/3
= 15.9/3
= 5.3 Heal

Total Heal is 65.1 with an extra 5 Health each Auto..

Take into Account a Full Build Kayle in the regions of 700 AP (Over Estimation)

Reckoning heals for (260 + (700*.6)) X 0.2

= (420 + 260) X 0.2
= 680 X 0.2
= 136

Righteous Fury Heals for ((60 + (700 X 0.45**)) X 0.2)/3
= ((60 + 315) X 0.2)/3
= (375 X 0.2)/3
= 75/3
= 25

(** Factoring in that you have a Nashor's Tooth now as well)

The Lifesteal only turns out to be probably another 10 Damage Total

Total is a 136 Point Heal with an extra 25 (35 if including Lifesteal) Points every Auto Attack. And that is a MAX BUILD Kayle..... I honestly don't think it is worth the Cost. The only thing appealing about the item is the extra and Damage on the Slow. I just feel like you waste so much gold on the Life Steal and the Spell Vamp and thats why I don't bother building it. Guinsoos gives everything that Hextech does (albeit the Damage stats are overall a bit lower) but instead of Lifesteal and Spellvamp, you are compensated with a Potential AS increase of 0.32. And Thats why I build it on Kayle.
InDang3r | July 26, 2014 12:35am
Got another question. Building Kayle as APC based on auto attacks with E activated, will all that attack speed from the current build, wouldn't she benefit more from a sustain item such as Hextech Gunblade ? I mean has both 20% spell vamp + 12% lifesteal,since Kayle uses both auto attacks + magic the same time (E)... Not to mention the 45 dmg, 65 ability + the passive and active. However I look at it, it seems a better option than Guinsoo Rageblade, and this isn't even mentioned as an alternative.
InDang3r | July 23, 2014 7:51am
Not 3 points, arcane blade already is in there, so 2 points in total needed for spell weaving + blade weaving. I would sacrifice the ones I see spent in Alchemist + Runic affinity.

I may not be a pro player, but as kayle i rarely get jungle buffs early game when it matters, since jungle gets them. Also potions rarely used since kayle has self heal with low cd. Mana mastery + some doran ring or similar cheap start item solve mana problems. Ofc depends of player style how much he burns...
ExtremeKabuto (6) | July 23, 2014 6:33am
But, I'd like to ask what if we would include in masteries spell/blade weaving ? Isn't autoattacking with E activated both basic and spell attack ? Guessing the dmg would increase by 3+3 = 6% ? not to mention the 5% of ability from Arcane blade. For just 1 point each, I think those two weaving masteries seem pretty awesome...

It's something that I've been thinking about every since Season 4 Masteries came in. The dilemma I have is if you still want to maintain 21/0/9. Then those 3 points are going to have to come from somewhere, the one point from Havoc and most likely 2 points from Devastating Strikes (because its in your best interests to have that point in Arcane Blade ). You trade out 3% increased Damage and 4% Armor & Magic Penetration for a potential 3% extra Damage on your Reckoning and Auto-Attack. Is it worth it? I'm honestly not sure.
InDang3r | July 23, 2014 4:52am
Excellent guide, I wouldn't change any items.

But, I'd like to ask what if we would include in masteries spell/blade weaving ? Isn't autoattacking with E activated both basic and spell attack ? Guessing the dmg would increase by 3+3 = 6% ? not to mention the 5% of ability from Arcane blade. For just 1 point each, i think those two weaving masteries seem pretty awesome...
CharginTarge (1) | July 10, 2014 9:24am
I decided to come back and check out Kayle on mobafire again because of the 4.11 nerfs, and I decided to make another spreadsheet again to figure out how important attack speed is versus ability power early in the game. I play Kayle quite a bit different now if you check out my own guide I recently made, but the earlier game play style for kayle is pretty universal no matter how you build her.

After doing the math here:, I found attack speed to be the better early game stat and maxing Q first is still better than maxing E first unless you need the wave-clear and splash damage, such as in a 1v2 scenario.

Ironically, in regard to my previous posts on your guide about rabadon's deathcap as a second item over guinsoo's rageblade, the nerfs to kayle's E probably buffed rageblade over deathcap now lol.

Edit: Just wanted to clarify for these calculations I completely ignored masteries and runes, rather it was meant as an attempt to show what stats kayle might prefer in her masteries, runes, and early items.
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