I have had notoriously bad luck with placement matches for the last 2 seasons. I started out on Silver III last season after pretty much failing all game long early Season 3 (before the LP system came). I started out from 1400 something and went so low as 1188. Then after the LP system came I was Silver III.
I climbed rather fast to Silver I, but I was stuck there for several months so when I finally reached Gold again I was really happy.

When Season 3 ended I was 89 points Gold I and after failing 5 promos I was rather mad my work camp happened to be on the same day the preseason began so I never got the platinum banner. But I ended up going to plat anyway, as far as Platinum IV promo which I failed the same day the Season 4 began.

I don't know about you guys, but I stressed like hell about the reset, because after all the hard work and my notoriously bad luck in placement matches, I was sure I'd have to climb up from Silver III again. Silver isn't totally bad place to be, but it's surprisingly hard to get out of there without a proper duo partner, because that's where both good and bad players usually end up after placement matches. Some good players get dragged down and some bad players get carried along.

Usually I have thought that I should NEVER play in the 1st two weeks after the reset, but since I read somewhere that even though it resets I'm allowed to play with people of my own skill level (MMR) so I thought "What the heck, I'll do it now and cry after". I've had such a bad week, so I thought having more **** happening to me wouldn't matter anyway.

Well, apparently Lady Luck finally smiled at me. I won 4 games in a row and when I checked my teammates in Lolking I noticed I was playing with Diamond players. :D I kinda got a feeling I was getting carried - I mean, I'm a good support, but in every other role I'm like... bronze. (No offense intended.) I'm ok jungler, but when jungling I felt like I was playing at Silver again.
Playing with Diamond III and Diamond I kinda have their advantages, for one nobody flamed and they had really good sense of what to do and when. Other than that I saw surprisingly little difference with how Diamond people and how Plats played. Like my bf said: it's not totally valid to compare solo queueu elo, because it's a 5v5 game and sometimes people are lucky. Like me.

I won 9/10 games and went straight to Plat II. So much for my oh, so rational fears of dropping to Silver again.
I guess it's about time I train other roles, because I doubt I can get a support 100% of the time. But I think I can always hope that since the other players are plat or diamond, they can play other roles and let me play my main :D