By request of PsiGuard, here is my season 4 support guide.

Note: I've played approximately one game in S4. (As AD carry bruiser assassin enforcer fighter tank counter jungler J4.) [In other words, this is roughly 99% sarcastic.]

STEP 1: Pick a strong duo lane consisting of characters who don't suck complete *** early game (any combo of melee/bruisers/CC bots). It doesn't matter which character you decide to "support" as. Do you want to play something like Darius and Pantheon or Zed and Riven in a lane? Go ahead.

STEP 2: If you have an actual ranged AD carry, send them mid to mindlessly farm and push towers. If the enemy team is running 2-1-2, and the 2 duo laners are strong early game CC bot tank melee assassin bruisers, your AD carry will more than likely get dunked to the heavens and back, so mid is now a nice comfy lane for them to chill in. (Unless mid is also a duo lane.)

STEP 3: Holy ****, this is the most important part. Are you ready for this ****? Start with a Relic Shield, and build Targon's Brace ASAP. Alternate last hitting with your lane buddy so you can feed each other gold through Targon.

STEP 4: Hopefully both pairs of duo laners got Targon's Brace. To protect your carry from the enemy team's... Tanky DPS Melee Assassin Bruiser Fight-- you know what **** typing that out. Anyway, turn Targon into a ******** Mountain, and use your Mountain to shield your ranged carry (or yourself, duuuh) when the enemy team jumps on him/her. There is no "peeling" anymore when 3-5/5 people on the enemy team have mad dashes/blinks and mad burst damage and mad items from Targon's gold. Just put lots of shields on people to help them soak damage/survive.

STEP 5: Kill enemy nexus.

Targon's Brace

Bronze 5 was correct all along: No jungler is best jungler, and no support is best support.