So as anyone who has read my previous posts can tell, I am not a power gamer. I am not the worst player but definitely have miles to go to be considered 'good'. That being said, one might wonder why someone with my rather low LOL Status would bother spending money purchasing RP.

There are 3 reasons really.
1. Quite simply,because I can. Plus, as far as hobbies go it can be as cheap or expensive as I want it to be.

2. I like the diversity of having pretty skins and new champions to try and experiment with

My third reason really is the primary one though.

3. Its my way of giving back to the Riot Devs and assorted folks who put this game out there Free to Play.

So no, its not contributing to the end of world hunger or peace for all, but it is my way of contributing to an enjoyable diversion that I am glad to have around.