This blog post I made a week ago, ended up being right on the money basically:

So, what changed from last week to this week? Well riot has announced the rebalancing of runes and with this, a very significant change to Lifesteal Quints taking each one down to 1.5 percent each. Armor runes are also being reduced, but they are giving every champion a flat armor bonus to compensate. This is mainly to give an alternative to armor yellows. So this change actually will make armor penetration more valuable. Most people will still run armor yellows, but if someone doesn't, you will now hit them much harder. Remember, each point of flat armor penetration stacks with percent penetration much more effetively than in season 2 or season 1. Since flat armor pen is now calculated after percent penetration (a change made in season 3), your flat armor pen scales into the late game better and also provides more damage in the early game (since everyone deals some percent physical damage from the offensive mastery tree).

Here's a link to the changes on the League of Legends Main page:

So, riot is also tweaking feast : The offensive mastery, Feast, will now restore 3 health on minion kill (up from 2)

This means that armor penetration will be more accessible to ad carries in season 4. Among the other changes being made, armor per level runes are being buffed and cooldown reduction runes are also stronger. With these changes, you will want to deal more damage in less clicks. Lifesteal quints only give 3 percent lifesteal now if you want to run the same page that you are running now, and running a full set of quints only gives 4.5 percent lifesteal.

So, unless something changes from the time of writing this blog until the rune changes are actually live, I would expect players to start weaving in armor penetration to their marks (as these are the most effective rune for armor penetration) and run flat ad quints (again, the most efficient rune for flat ad). If either of these rune sets receive nerfs or buffs, obviously this would change, but right now I don't see them doing that. They already nerfed armor pen runes when they switched the calculation for armor and magic penetration to calculate percent penetration first, and nerfing the penetration runes again doesn't make sense when they are trying to give more choices with these rune changes.

The page I am currently running is 5 armor pen reds, 4 flat ad reds, flat ad quints, armor yellows, 1 flat ad blue, 2 flat mr blues and 6 scaling mr blues (although you can run all flat mr if you prefer that or have both pages set up).

- 5 Armor Penetration Marks

- 4 Flat AD Marks

- 3 Flat AD Quints

- 9 Armor Seals

- 1 Flat AD Glyph (Your choice of 2 Flat MR Glyphs and 6 Scaling MR Glyphs or 8 Flat MR Glyphs)


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, but he streams way more than me, and I frequently duo queue with him. When I'm playing with Mylixia I don't stream, so check him out today!