"Hey, who's the new guy?"
"What new guy?"
"The furry lookin' guy? Dunno. The celebration banner said "Ziggs?" Looks kinda on the wild side of things..."
"I don't mind gettin' a little wild at times." *winks at Lux*
"Oh! Haha, um--"
"Off my sister, bud."
"What new guy? Guys?"
"Easy there partner; I meant no disrespect to the pretty young thing."
"I might be young, but that doesn't mean I'm inexperienced..."
"Look pal, are we gonna have a prob-- wait, Lux, WHAT??"
"What?? I'm played by a lot of summoners!"
"What did you think she meant?"
"HOW COULD YOU NOT S-- ugh, nothing. Just... phrasing, please."
"You need to chill partner."
"Boys, can we please focus? We got a battle comin' up."
"Yeah, let's get this over with. Dibs on top."
"I'll be on bottom!"
*Face-palms* "Why..."
"What new guy?"




"How did we lose??? Lee, you call that Jungling??"
"Haha, I had no idea where I was going..."
"Ugh, he must've partook, um, smoked in, ahhh..."
"Dudes I'm telling you I could see again!"
"LEE! Did you--???"
"Dude, fighting all those creeps made me hungry..."
"You promised from now on you'd try to Jungle! Not "Junnnngle"!!"
"But Sejuani, I can see again!"
"The only thing you can see are lyrics to Bob Marley songs."
"You seem mad, dude. Don't worry! Be hap--"
"Don't even. And you," *points at Lux* "What was that all about? You're usually such a good mid!"
"Ohhh, I know, but I just really wanted to lane at bottom with Graves!"
"Would you say you wanted to go down on me?"
"Hey guys... Guys..."
"Haha! Just tryin' to have a little fun, partner--"
"Cut the cowboy ****, Sundance. You're no more 'Legend of the West' than Yosemite Sam."
"At least my pistol shoots straight."
"Garen, stop it! I like Graves, he's a nice guy!"
"You know Mom doesn't like you hanging out with people like that."
"People like what exactly..."
"I don't know. Like THAT." *Gestures to all of Graves*
"You're going down a dangerous road there, friend."
"No more dangerous than your pistol."
"Guys... hey; hey guys..."
"Yeah but it's loaded, partner. For now at least."
"For n-- what?"
"We're going on a date!"
"I figured I'd treat the missy to a nice dinner for what a fine job she did on the Field today."
"She didn't. None of us did, that's WHY I want to talk about--"
"Hey guys..."
"I can taste colors, guys."
"I'm done." *Walks off, mumbling angrily to herself*
"Damn it, Lee! See what you did?"
"Dude I can't see, you know that. Not cool, dude."
"One of these days, Lee..." *Turns attention back towards Graves and Lux* "Back to what I was saying; WHAT."
"He's taking me out to dinner Garen, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
"Yep! And based on how well dinner goes... well, that loaded pistol of mine..."
*Clenches sword*"I will hurt you. I swear on my life I'll hurt you."
"Relax! No harm will come her way, I give you my word." *Arm over her shoulder, he leads Lux off into the distance*
"You better... or I'll give you over to my buddy, T. Fate."
"Dude, what if we were like, controlled in the Field of Justice? Like every action we made was actually made for us by strange, powerful, magical people?"
"Ugh, not this conspiracy again. Lee, I'm not in the mood."
"Dude, whatever man. Fine."


"Dude, you wanna go jungle?"
"Jungle? Or 'Junnnnngle?'"
... *Smiles*
"You better have good stuff this time."