1. I play almost every game in windowed mode. Why? Back when I first started playing League, I couldn't minimize my game so I figured if I play in windowed maybe that would solve the problem and it did. I've been playing games in windowed mode since then.

2. Despite being an 18 year old guy (19 soon), I am really really short for a boy. I'm 5'5 or 5'4 (have to check how much exactly) which in cm is around 165-168.

3. I play Ryze with Statikk Shiv a lot. He shoots out lightning when he auto-attacks someone and the proc from Shiv is also a lightning based attack. That's why his AA and the proc synchronyze and give him more damage. Flawless logic.

4. I'm awful at drawing which is a real shame cause I don't dislike drawing. Want proof? This is a Natsu drawing I made 2 years ago I think. http://puu.sh/8ztSL.png

5. I love singing. Just give me some of my favorite songs and watch as I sing non-stop. There are even some songs that make me dance a little bit like for example D-51 - Brand New World which is the 5th Opening for One Piece.

6. I do NOT like my voice at all. Kinda makes you wonder why I like singing huh? Makes me wonder too but oh well. I just really think my voice sounds lame and kinda child-ish for my age. I don't like it. I really don't like it xD

7. I have never dropped an anime. Never. Once I start watching something, I may put it on-hold but I will watch it eventually for sure.

8. I play with locked cam and unlocked cam. Generally, I prefer having it locked but whenever I need to unlock it I just press Spacebar.

9. I'm an awful sleeper. I literally SUCK so much at sleeping. There are times when I have to go to school at like 7 am in the morning but I wake up at 5:30 am after going to bed at 1 am.

10. I'm much more shy and awkward in person. I dunno why but once someone gets to know me, I can be a very unlikeable person. No clue why. I don't really think I'm that unlikeable but the facts don't lie. That's kinda why I don't have too many friends xD

Well that's about it. I was pretty bored so I figured I would do this post to kill some time. Not the most interesting post but oh well.

Thanks for reading! ^__^