Since I have been informed that I do not have a single ADC champion and that I should get one instead of getting another burst assassin (Rengar is the one I'm talking about), as my 16'th champion for ranked play, the champions I have in mind are ... Varus, Vayne, Draven and Ezreal.

I played him when he was free and really liked him, his combo of R>>AA>>E>>AA>>Q and his presence in teamfights was really strong due to his ulti and Q, only complaint was his lack of escapes and relative squishyness (but that is the problem with all ADC's, so not gonna bring that problem up again), he would be one of my top picks outoff the 4.

Played her aswell when she was free and enjoyed it allot aswell, her endgame is unbelievably strong and her Q ability (though only when mastered) has the potential of allot of funny youtube videos, only complaints are that the range of her AA's is really short, she has a problem early game and she is REALLY squishy, also one of the top choices for me.

Tried him out and though he looks badass and is completely badass, his global ulti and emphasis on style are really cool, it's just that his spinning axes are really hard to catch and if you haven't pretty much mastered how to catch them you are gonna struggle ... allot, definitely a choice if somebody can assure me that he is worth it.

Tried him out along time ago and struggled alittle (but then again, I had only started playing LoL), what I like about him is how he can go with his build, AP - Hybrid - AD, not a problem, his global ulti is a really nice boost, the problem for me is well, I can't think of any, but everybody on my friends list has him and I really don't want to have to go through the whole "can I take him please" argument, also he gets focused in games verry frequently because everybody is scared to s*** about wheter the person is really good (in my experience that is).

So outof the 4 only 3 really stands out (Varus, Vayne, Ezreal), I'd really consider Draven if somebody can assure me that he isn't c*** and worth it, also I only considered these 4 because they sound like they are allot of fun and that is why I play LoL ... So yeah if people tell me that one of the 4 is the most fun or there abilities are badass (+fun), the reason for buying him/her has gone up allot ... It's all about the fun-factor ;)