I've been silent too long being that I joined a year ago and am constantly looking at guides.

First off: Kudos to All You Guys

The first thing I want to say is Thank You to all of the contributors to the site. You have made my life (and lots of other people's) so much easier learning everything about the game. I read great guides all the way from Jungling 101 to Janna Full Support. All your insights have been vital to my "success" as a casual player who has fun but can still pack quite the punch in matches.

And now for something completely different...

The Way Things are Headed:

The game is heading in a very interesting direction and PotatisFarfar made an interesting point in his blog, despite the majority of it being rambling.

"And we can probably all agree that Riot makes the new champions stronger on purpose, just for better sales."

It really seems to be that way. Volibear kind of seems to be the exception, but still nonetheless fits into this category. I've only jungled as Volibear once, and it was only alright (Not saying that I'm the best in the first place, but in comparison to Udyr it's meh). But Riot seems to be pumping out new champions left, right, and center. There are still balance issues with a few character, why add more to the pot? It really just boils down to money. Can you blame them? No. It's a business. They still need to make money. Can you get so focused on making money that you destroy the game? Heck yeah! WoW is a prime example (that is a whole different can of worms and I'm not trying to create a discussion necessarily on that).

I believe that if Riot focuses on balancing what they have and expanding tools, money won't be an issue. Continue making skins for looks, but work on the important mechanics. Playback tools, more statistics, server stability, User Interface, the shop (Even with new updates takes too long to load), and balancing the champions/skills/items. League is a great game. With more investment in making it a better game will bring them more sales in the long run. Pushing out champs is a way to make short term money, but it will destroy the game in the end.

Tournaments: I Like What I See. MOAR PLZ

Tournaments are my absolute favorite thing to watch. I'm also a huge SC2 fan and I can't get enough of Tastosis. Those guys make me laugh every time. But back to LoL! I really think that it could continue to get big and become a dominant player in the PvP realm, but it needs to stop focusing on money and get more tools going (beating a dead horse again). Just keep doing what you're doing and put out more opportunities for tournaments. The moar the better.

Biggest Complaint from Players about LoL: The LoL Community

Really guys? Why is this so? I hear people always saying "I hate the LoL Community, they just don't care." Within this past 2 days I've encountered four 4v5 matches. People keep leaving, not cooperating with the team, and people just saying stupid things. If you're level 30 you should have worked out most of the major problems getting there (leaving should never be happening in the first place). What causes this to happen? I call it Co-op to the Top. Too many players play nothing but comp stomp matches to get to level 30 and now know absolutely nothing about the game and are going up against players who have lots of PvP experience.

My suggestions:
1. Don't leave games.
2. Do normal matches to learn how the game works. Comp stomp is designed for testing the viability of builds. But the occasional one with friends is cool, or for Win of The Day if you're having an off-day.
3. There is always going to be a loser: if you use good teamwork and lose, oh well... at least it was a good match. So you may as well work together and try to at least have fun.


Well, I think that's a good start for a first blog. I don't know if anyone will read this, but at least it's something. So yeah, Riot: do yourself (and for everyone) a favor and refocus your goals as a company. If you scratch our backs, we'll do the same for you.

To the players who make great builds: Thanks again!

If you guys thought this was an alright blog post and want me to make more postings, let me know!