I have no idea how you can defend this as a competitive game, when it is clearly at its core a casual one.

It was never designed to be a competitive game, hence it is not one. Only in the last months have they been taking steps in the right direction. But not big steps i might add.

One of the major goals with the new jungle is to make it more accessible to lower level summoners and summoners who don't have all of the optimized perfect runes for jungling

Quoted out of the latest patch preview. Does this sound like a game thats main focus is to be competitive? Or does it sound like a game that is suppose to draw newer and more casual players into the game?

And we can probably all agree that Riot makes the new champions stronger on purpose, just for better sales.

Lets take a game that was developed to be competitive and compare it to LoL.

Bloodline champions.

A game that was made for competitive gaming and casual. But mainly competitive and not the other way around.

With it's all skill no luck thing going on. And a build in tournament system, great spectator and replay options. It really shows it self as a competitive E-sport. It takes ages for there team to come up with new heroes, becouse they don't wanna ruin the balance.

So what does league of legends have to say it is made for competitive?

Well it got draft mode... And a ok spectator system i guess, nothing special... But only for practice games... Yeah...

As i said. I like to see League of legends as the ARTS / MOBA version of Call of duty. It is fun, but clearly not meant for competitive play.

Well ofc if the fanbase is big enough, people will play "competitively". Every one wanna be the very best. But as i said, it doesn't mean it is a competitive game!

Lets just compare both of them shall we?

Both feature a leveling system, wish motivates newer players to keep on playing. Each level up have some kind of cookie also. One might compare runes to weapons and attachments.

The thing is with CoD. When you get to the max level, you restart. When you get to max level in LoL, you get stuck there. So instead of continue this casual experience of just playing normals for the sole purpose of killing people. You start playing ranked.

(i should note that a lot of people just keep playing it for a fun casual blast, like me for example.)

And all the suddenly, you change mind set. You wanna be the very best in this game. So of course a competitive scene grows up. The ARTS / MOBA genre is a competitive one.

But that doesn't mean that the game is competitive at it's core. Riot doing a good job keeping both camps pleased. I am suprised how they do that, since they don't really do much for the competitive one. (Well the prize pool is nice ofc... But i am thinking more gameplay stuff right now).

So there, my ramblings on why this game isn't ****ing competitive.