SPACE SPACE Greetings, summoners. I am Headmistress Fiora . I will be showing you around the school today, so stay in an orderly line and keep quiet. Any noise and I will be sure to snuff it out of you, are we clear? Good. Let's begin. SPACE

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SPACESP SPACESPAC To your left you will see Viktor's class, he teaches Advanced Calculus and Engineering to our students here, and soon you, if you are so intelligent. All of the students here are the best in Valoran, so it is up to us to nurture these minds so they can become the best students... or warriors. SPCESPC

CESPACE SPACESPAC Ah, yes, that beautiful sound is our music teacher Sona, who educates the students through the ways of strings, chords, and the like. Her class room is right here, where you can see her setting up for another song. SPACECE

SPACECE SPACESPAE Taking a step outside we can see our biology teacher, Heimerdinger, showing students the parts of plants and animals. Dissection does not occur often, but when it does we ask those who are prone to feinting to exit the room. SPACACE

SPAPACE SPACESACE Of course we do have physical activities in our school in order to keep our students in shape. Here is a physical educations class already taking place, with a game of dodgeball. SPACACE

SPAPACE SPACESPCE And of course our chemistry class with Ziggs. Although he does not have the 'best' reputation, he has an excellent mind and he agrees to teach the students, on certain...conditions. SPSPACE

Anyways, that's all the time we have for today, do feel free to enroll into the class of 2013 and 2014. The forms are on the front desk where you can ask one of the staff members there. Some of the people who helped 'fund' the construction of this school were ibratze, Ragora57 and BlazingBoost. Have a nice day.

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Back to school... :c
Anyways, good luck in school and feel free to comment!