Hello, and welcome to my first installment of strategy sessions. This is going to be a weekly (or biweekly, haven't decided yet) series of blog posts covering some basic game strategy that some people don't even think about. I'm going to be focusing this on the AP carry role but I believe this can apply to other roles as well. So let's get to it!

Smart casting is a skill that can greatly enhance the quality of your gameplay. It can allow your champion to flow much more easily when in fights/preforming combos. If you watch high elo streams, a lot (not all) of these players use smart casting on their champions. For me, I consider smart casting on a champ by champ basis, seeing which combo works for me. Other players are just going to smart cast on every champ they use. If you haven't tried out smart casting yet, I highly recommend you should. It can change your gameplay for the better and really help you improve. Here are some AP carries I currently smart cast on.

Orianna - Q
Cassiopeia - W/E
Karthus - W
Brand - W
Morgana - W

Pros of smartcasting:
- a lot less clicking
- more flow to your playstyle
- easier to cast abilities quickly
- you play like hotshotgg

Cons of smartcasting:
- if you don't know the range of your abilities, you are going to move towards the spot you smartcasted on, sometimes causing your champion to move more than you wanted
- unable to see area of affect of abilities
- takes experience to use correctly

So yeah try it out! Let me know your opinion in the comments section.