Hello everyone!

For a few days I was looking for my secondary team role (in case I won't be able to play support). And since I can't play AP casters (I fail terribly), can't go anywhere near top lane (I always feed like a gravid pig) and I find playing ADC boring, I think about learning how to jungle.

And therefore I bought Fiddlesticks. I read about him being good in jungling, although now he is not so popular, but I hoped he will be good for learning and if he fails, I still got another aggresive support for my main role. So no problem there.

It's just I can't find any good guide about jungle Fiddlesticks. All those I found on MOBAfire were written by some random people, not even ranked. And those few I read were quite bad.

So here are some questions for you, people who play jungle as your main role:

1. Is Fiddlesticks still good for jungling?

I tried some bot games with him and he is not bad. Thanks to drain, he doesn't need life potions (maybe 1 just to be sure), but is very mana-hungry. And with his fear and silence abilities he may be able even to withstand a clash with enemy jungler (I think). But how is it in real life? Is he still good for jungling? For ganks and jungle control? Would you play ranked games with Fiddlesticks as a jungler? Or should I "stick" to the supporting role with him?

2. Which champion is good for jungling?

Before you start - I know it depends mostly about who do you like, and how do you like to jungle (aggresive, defensive, in between...). But I am sure there are generally some champions that are slightly easier for jungling, than the others. Maybe I should say it like this - which champions have such abilities and are so good, that even a noob like me can jungle with them? What would you recommend for me as a first champ for learning how to jungle? From all the junglers I saw in pvp so far, I liked Shyvana and Tryndamere and I definately didn't like Nasus. Or maybe those invisible guys like Evelynn or Shaco could be good, hmm? But I would like to see your recommendations.

3. Trinket

With S4 changes I am not sure what to take. My first thought was to go for Sweeping Lens as it can reveal enemy wards and make sure I am not standing for a gank in a warded place. And it is a free counter-warding item. But the 1 min cooldown is insane.

The other option is Stealth Ward. Free wards to keep an eye on the enemy movement and jungle spawns. And later on I can upgrade it to either 3 free wards or that pink one which can reveal hidden wards nearby. But is visible. I can't say what is better. Really can't. I hope you can help me out.

4. Any other jungle thoughts?

I am not asking for basic advice, because since I follow my own ultimate noob advice, I already saw videos and read basic tips for jungling. Even though they are for S3, some stuff is still vital. I would prefer some ideas about new S4 jungle, new ways of jungling, routes and such. If you don't mind :P

EDIT: I knew I forgott something...

5. Smite?

I saw some junglers not taking Smite as their second spell, since they can clear the jungle without it. Therefore they can take another useful summoner's spell, but - aren't they missing out? Smite proves useful when slaying dragon and baron, which are mid and late game objectives. Without this spell they can't steal enemy objectives. So what is better? Take it always or just with some junglers?

These are my 5 questins for you, junglers, and I would appreciate any thoughts about this, as I would like to be a good jungler, to help my team win.