... in no particular order of importance...
  • remove comment to vote
  • rearrange the main page to be less clustered, including reducing the news section to displaying only the latest two news articles - prioritise objectives and completely recreate the main page to meet these objectives
  • add more tiers to +reputation to make gaining reputation fun and worthwhile
  • add like/dislike buttons to comments - getting likes will increase your +rep passively according to a modifier, getting dislikes reduces that modifier until the amount of likes you earn outweigh the dislikes
  • a revamped PM system
  • a notification system that informs you when: a guide you have "watched" has been updated, a thread you have posted in has a new comment, etc
  • reverse chronological order the comments for guides in the sense that newer comments will be viewed first over older, likely irrelevant comments
  • rehaul the scout system by: removing all scouts, promoting only those who apply and meet a certain criteria (elo threshold), and introducing a "checklist" approach to scouting that eliminates the potential for bias
  • remove expired guides from footer search (Madmack, pls go away)
  • host competitions to write content for the Wiki
  • promote the Q&A function, maybe even reward people each month who get the most upvotes in that period of time for answering a question (this promotes helpful and positive behaviour)
  • ensure that if a guide is below 75%, it can't be featured as high elo
  • rearrange the way guides are listed to have high elo/featured at the top, "normal" guides to the left and "pro/special" guides to the right.
  • mandatory elo verification for all servers (MobaFire accounts are tied to a LoL account) - badges display the tier (ie, Gold V)
  • create a "wizard"/step-by-step tutorial for guide making
  • increase the freshness filter speed and add a check for "changed content", which denies you the ability to hit "Publish" unless you've altered something in the guide
  • auto-archive any guides that have removed items in the cheat sheet (Bulwark etc)
  • change the guide search system to be more intuitive
  • update roles (adc to marksman, etc)
  • fix the quote and code function in guides
  • completely rework the navigation menu bar
  • shorten the length of important pages so the pages are more minimalistic, less cluttered and easier to view
  • give credit where credit is due. I personally have very little to do with the database, but some people are on it like gravy on biscuits and do SO much they deserve some sort of recognition for their selfless acts of dedication.
  • ... and probably even more things that I later think of and add 8D

... So fellow /mf/ers, what would you do if you owned MobaFire? Remember, this is just a tongue-in-cheek post. I know Matt and Flash have a ****-tonne of stuff they have to do for their other sites and that there are a lot of projects that they have going on for MobaFire already. This is just my list of what I'd change/implement because I was extremely bored and had nothing else better to do :P

Your turn? Tag, you're it?