
Bot lane is not dependant on support and ADC taking kills. Since S3, junglers have played a huge role in the meta and is propably the best role to carry games at the moment. I'm going to talk and advice little of junglers presence in bot lane and how do you avoid getting ganked or how your lane gets more effective ganks. Read further for ward examples also, but let's first learn quickly about predirecting jungler ganks.

Predirecting ganks

1. Over-aggression
2. Sudden trades/ unfavored initiation
3. Contesting (cs for example)
4. Mispositioning --> Baiting
5. Pink wards
6. Sudden hard lane pushing / backing / Freezing

These points apply as mistakes also and you can't back-off everytime, because you are afraid of jungler popping by just because someone decided to do a bad trade. It takes map awarness and experience which you will get within time, but as said do look at your map. Did his jungler just go toward bot lane from mid ? Was top just ganked ? Was he low hp ? All these example points can be used to judge wether he is coming or not. If enemies jungler was just mid and headed towards red, theres bigger chance of you getting ganked and your lane opponents showing it.

Easiest ways of predirecting gank from points above is sudden initiation which you would win in normal circumstances. Second is that opponent for example stops recall as low hp and stays in lane, but still contests cs or trades.

Now for the warding: Vision is half a kill and half a death. I'm going trough plenty of situations advicing you where and which ward you should place. These situations may also differ from your point of way, but it's cool as long as you are covered with the warding. I'll start with basic warding (BOT LANE VIEW!) and go on to very late-game.


Basic ward set-ups:

NOTE: Pink wards when you're about to go dragon/baron or you're baiting it are really self-explaining and I won't make screenshot of it seperately. Carry pink wards for these 2 objectives depending on time as obviously it's not worth pink warding baron @6th minute when it spawns @15th.

Oracles is good on situations like your jungle is well warded, you are pushing and taking objectives troughoutly or you are heading towards baron or your team is pressuring teamfights. Can also be picked over dragon, but I feel like pink wards are more cost efficient there.

The importance of warding and how cost effective they are is ridicilous. 75 gold can save your whole team from dieng or securing objectives for plenty of gold. Basic rule for pink ward is it's worth it if you deny vision with it, (destroying opponent ward). Wards are optimal on solo laners also. Always try to have at least 1-2, it may save you and your time tons of times. Remember, following examples are mainly for bottom lane's advantage.

Bot lane warding

Covering buff

Normal lane wards

Getting pushed

Pink Wards

Pushing to enemys 2nd tower

Pushed to your 2nd tower