I decided that I needed to challenge myself more in the game. While I'm not a perfect ADC, I still feel really comfortable with the role and almost always do a great job playing that role. I tend to get bored with things quite quickly/easily, so I figured I would learn how to play a new role before I got sick of playing League.

At first I picked mid. I bought Annie and started learning how to lane mid. It was fun, pretty challenging and by far more difficult then ADC'ing. Lol. After I got my *** kicked quite a few times I thought that maybe mid was....well too much. I thought seriously about learning jungle. I even played bot games with Udyr to try to get a good feel for Jungle. But I learned that I wasn't the best at keep time on my buffs. I knew that in a real game, I would have been demolished in the first 5 minutes.

Then I came to top. I bought Riven forever ago after I was bullied into top lane one game. I build her tankier than most. But I can't stand how that ***** will die fast as hell in the first few minutes. Then the most miraculous thing happened. Lol. Darius AND Jax were free last week. Oh my god. You have never seen anyone as excited as I was. I watch LCS and such, so I knew that Jax had the potential to wipe out entire teams. At first, I was trying to be a bit too aggressive. I died easily and it would snowball into something terrible which would case me to get discouraged. After the first few games, I watched a few gameplay videos for Darius and Jax. Good think I did or I most likely would have given up on top too. haha.

I'm still learning. I will always be learning. I'm glad I pushed myself and tried top. My life wouldn't be the same without Darius. Lol! :D Moral of the blog: Don't ever give up and don't EVER stop challenging yourself. Getting pretty amazing at a role? Learn a new one. It'll renew your love (after it renews your hate :P) for the game. Thank me later :)

Until next time my loves!