Sooooo, hello. Don't wanna ramble so I'll be alittle bit more to-the-point than usual :)

#1: Im headed to the eurogamer expo tommorow!!
For anyone who isn't familiar its the biggest gaming convention in the uk every year. Its gonna have ps4,xboxone,the occulus rift, dark souls 2, the new batman and *** creed games AND A WHOLE LOT MORE :D
So yeah, Im hyped :)

#2: Well, on a not so awesome note, my long ethernet cable has been broken by a certain someone who'll go unnamed (my brother matthew) and now I can't lol :(
Ive ordered a new cable since they're way cheaper online and I should be getting either tommorow or on monday :/

#3 In terms of actual lol based news I WAS messing around with a couple of builds up until a couple of days ago. The first one was a Gangplank build (what did you expect XD) and the second being a jungle Galio setup.
Right now the theme of the Gangplank build revolves around giving him a perma-slow. its currently as follows: boots, Trinity Force, Spirit Visage, Randuin's Omen, Frozen Mallet and Blade of the Ruined King. Combined with his passive it makes him a very strong chaser. Probably not optimal, but fun regardless :)
Not entirely sure yet on how to build my jungle Galio yet, so I don't really have anything to show on that front at the moment '^^

Just a P.S.A. For those who don't know, the next champion is named jinx, she looks like harley quinn from batman and thats enough reason to give riot all ur moneyz.