Tier list is coming. In the mean time, here are some ap champs you should never play in mid, and possibly just never ever if you want to climb. Most of these will be 'duh', but some might surprise you. Let me know your opinion in the comments.

Disclamer: With dedication and hard work, you can climb with these champs. Your climb will be much more difficult, but there is at least 1 mordekaiser main in diamond 1. There aren't any underpowered champs, but some champs definitely have stronger kits than others. Also this is my opinion.

List w/ quick explanations;

Swain - He's not a mid anymore. Practically every mid champ outranges and dumpsters him. Play someone else

Brand - Ziggs is way better

Anivia - this may surprise you, but it may not. Her roam is non existent and her waveclear and farming isn't a big enough deal anymore.

Galio - he's useless. Ult too easy to break, laning is too weak, skillshots cost too much mana and are almost impossible to hit on someone that moves around like, ever.

LeBlanc - epic high skillcap and i've never seen anyone in gold or below play her right. if you play her and have around 50 cs in 20 minutes, stop playing leblanc.

Lissandra - same as swain, she can't fight back against most mids. If you want to play a passive lane vs a passive opponent like ziggs, you can play her and farm. She doesn't really beat anyone in lane except a couple melees.

Sion - too easy to outplay him. if his shield gets broken, he loses the entirety of his deeps.

Talon - you can if you want, but I've contested that he's a strictly worse ad mid than zed and pantheon, and now definitely yasuo. sorry vape.

Viktor - clunky, and doesn't have a huge impact even when fed. His ultimate is amazing when you're ahead, but playing from behind is pointless.

Zyra - MS is so sloooow and her snare suuuuuuuucks

Zilean - rofl

Mordekaiser - I love morde. His laning phase is trash and his mid and late aren't much better. Having no CC hurts. too easy to gank, too easy to shut down. If he had higher ratios and revolver upgraded into something useful, I'd say go 4 it.

Veigar - Extremely risky. You're pretty much a 1 for 1 in teamfights. Even when fed, you can only kill 1 person before ducking and covering for 7 seconds waiting for cd's. If you want a burst caster, take annie mid. She functions similarly with a DFG, but she does it to a whole team while stunning them.

Lee Sin - play riven instead