Hi There! I'm TommTheSK from the server LAS. I Main Mid and Support. My Mains are:

[*] Mid: Karma, Ryze and Lissandra
[*] Support: Thresh, Leona and Lulu.

I started on April, 2013 in the NA Server 'till level 23. After that, I moved to the LAS server, in the Beta Phase.

A little of my life as a LoL player:

I'm Gold IV, but I started this season in Bronze IV. That's because in the last season (S3), I got placed in Silver V thanks to the Placement games. I began to lose almost all of my games because of the rule that you couldn't rank down in the tiers. So, at the beginning of the season, I won 7/10 of the placement games and fell to Bronze III. I was depressed and all of that xD So I lost almost all of my games and wanted to don't play anymore... 'till one friend started to DuoQ with me and both got to gold in like... 2 weeks? And here I am, tryin' to improve my skills and trying not to rage and get mad.