I dragged the fat man out of the bar last night for a go round in the top lane. Ended up being vs an Elise. Opted to start Crystalline Flask as I didn't know how this match-up goes.

Running 21-9-0 Masteries with Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR Glyphs, and AP Quints.

I played this late pretty cautiously because I haven't played Gragas in a while and Elise does have hard CC in the form of Cocoon and chase potential in the form of Rappel.

Her harass hurts because of the %current health damage on Neurotoxin and the %missing health damage on Venomous Bite, but so does the harass from your Barrel Roll.

With the flask and Gragas's passive, Happy Hour, I was able to sustain through her harass and do some harassing back, but the lane was mostly a farm fest due to my caution.

Their jungler, Master Yi put in an appearance pretty late in the laning phase (IIRC I was around level 8 or so). I did some things right and some things wrong which ultimately resulted in my death at my tower. Positionally I was about even with the middle top brush. I lobbed a barrel toward Master Yi, used Body Slam to get me in the bottom side brush of top lane and I believe I also flashed to try to get closer to my tower. All good so far.


1) In my haste to get into the brush, I didn't pop my barrel in time to slow Master Yi
2) I chucked my Explosive Cask behind them in the brush with the stupid intent of trying to blow them toward my tower and managed to toss it over both of them dealing no damage.

Between Alpha Strike and Rappel to ignore some tower aggro they were able to converge on me and finish me off.

In that situation (2v1 with two good tower divers) I should not have been trying to be aggressive and should have counted myself lucky to get back to my tower down Flash but mostly unscathed and left it at that. Besides the plan was rather flawed in that they probably wouldn't have died to the tower even if they took the brunt of the Explosive Cask damage and acquired tower aggro.

Went back to lane to more farming and harassing with me getting Elise down to about half health. Noticed a four man gank at bot turret. Teleported in and was able to secure one kill before the rest of my team rotated bot to clean up. Elise foolishly teleported in late and ended up dying to our Ezreal.

The game was pretty much a faceroll after that because the rest of our lanes were dominating and we had good control of dragon and superior ward coverage.

Will have to review the numbers but I ended up picking up 8-9 kills to 3 deaths with IIRC the highest or near it farm total in the game.

Things I could improve on.

Last hitting early. I definitely missed a number that I should have gotten and was a little too timid on picking up others.

Establishing lane dominance. I felt I could have killed Elise in lane had I played things a little better or at least done a better job at zoning her off farm.