Server Move

19ms ping. Down from 63-70ms ping. Lovin' it.

Bad part is I've have some friends whose ping has spiked from a 32ms to 160ms which may drive them away from league.


Still clunky, but the stacking AP ratio on Riftwalk definitely makes him a lot nastier when he goes in on you. Also makes for faster wave clear which is super helpful as an assassin that should be roaming once you hit 6th level. I believe once you have a Needlessly Large Rod you can clear the caster minions in a wave with a Force Pulse and then a Riftwalk.

My last three Kassadin games

9-0-7 vs Talon
10-1-4 vs Lissandra
9-1-4 vs Azir


Definitely has some downsides in terms of low mobility and lengthy cooldowns, but so much sweet crowd control. AoE silence is beast against anyone that has to combo abilities together to get anything done. His Vorpal Spikes are a case where I would like to get a pop up box saying "You are about to turn off Vorpal Spikes. Would you like to continue?" as I'm still doing this at inopportune times and it has cost me some damage output in fights.


Still experimenting with him, primarily in the jungle. The tank build certainly feels lackluster after the nerfs to the base damage on his abilities, however for someone that needs to stay in a fight long enough to do some autoattacking, building super squish is exceedingly dangerous. His kit has a lot of outplay potential, so if I put the time into him I think there will be a good return on investment.


The range on Elastic Slingshot is nigh silly now. I don't feel like he can single handily carry a game so he is not OP in that sense. He needs his team to do well, but he has a lot of tools to get them rolling even if he himself doesn't bring amazing damage. Level 3 and enemy lane is pushing? I know where I'm going, because I can setup in the fog of war and get in from some unexpected angles resulting in blown flashes and quite often kills.

Yasuo - I need to learn to play this character so I can love him rather than hating him with fiery passion. He is the AD version of Katarina except with even more mobility if there are targets around that he can dash to. It helps if he has a good lane, but really all he needs is 100% crit and he will start winning teamfights. I got stomped so hard by a Yasuo the other night that I didn't want to surrender so I could continue watching him demolish our team single-handed. He ended the game with 38 kills.