So yeah, as the title says, I finally finished my high school exams. I'm pretty confident I have passed the exams which means I'll probably be studying Economics and Business Economics next year which I'm really looking forward to!

League related, I'm not sure how much I'll be playing during the upcoming months (even though I have about 14 weeks holiday now); I've been really frustrated by the game as a whole (not by something specifically like the community - even though that is a part of the problem) which caused me to get demoted from D2 down to the bottom of D4. Due to inactivity my mechanics haven't really gotten better either...

I still like to believe I've got really good game knowledge through watching competitive play - which was and will probably always be one of my favorite pastimes. I'll also be sticking around to MobaFire because of that ^^

Finally, I'd like to share my Kpop playlist (which I dubbed ****-pop since some groups tend to go a bit too far on that aspect...) to anyone interested. I've added a lot of stuff during my exams because I really like listening to Kpop while studying. Have a look if you like!

Anyway, I guess that sums it up for now! (:

On that note, if you're by chance looking for an aspiring analyst with lots of knowledge on competitive play for your team, hook me up! :p