Update edit: Well it looks like Ahri was changed more on PBE. That renders most of this blog post somewhat wrongly informed. But I'll keep it here for the heck of it.

So with the latest patch notes rolling out on PBE, there were some Ahri nerfs. As the top Ahri guide maker, I figured I should share my thoughts (which are in no way pro or diamond level etc.) Take them with a grain of salt.
A quick summary of the patch notes:
Spoiler: Click to view

So yeah. Her W, Fox-Fire for nerfed Haaaaard. Her ult Spirit Rush got nerfed haaaarder. Her Charm got buffed(?) I think. But overall the nerfs hit Ahri hard. Ugh. Yeah, I know I said I was expecting a few Ahri nerfs on my last blog, but I think this might be a bit overkill. They're basically shifting Ahri to becoming more assassiny while taking off some dps.

With the increased dependence of hitting Charm, Riot is raising the skill cap on her, so it will, in fact, separate the good Ahri's from the bad Ahri's. But to do this, they're making good Ahri's weaker and making bad Ahri's pay dearly. Plus, the Charm damage amp is too short. 4 seconds?? With the current cast delay between Spirit Rush charges, you can't even get off a whole combo in that time. Not to mention they're reducing the available cast time on Spirit Rush. I don't see the point of that at all. It's almost if the 45 DAMAGE AND 30% AP RATIO nerf wasn't enough.

Fox-Fire took a huge hit. As an assassiny champion made more assassiny with the Charm changes, you would expect such a champ to have a large burst. But Foxfire, her main damage spell, got nerfed for single target damage which is basically Ahri's main role. Not cool. On top of that, it now acts as a multi-target spell instead of 3 single-target spells. This makes spell vamp and Rylai's slow much worse on her (both items are greatly enhanced from single-target spells). With all these nerfs to Ahri with more passive items, I feel like now Riot is forcing all Ahri to be played in 1 way, an assassin. DPS utility Ahri is much, much weaker. As for the Essence Theft changes, the description they gave was pretty unclear so I'm not sure how the numbers add up. I'm guessing it's a nerf though, since Riot is destroying the passive-Ahri playstyle.

Yes, I'm speaking as a butt-hurt Ahri fan but these Ahri nerfs are seriously over-the-top. If so much of her kit is relying on Charm now, it should at least be compensated to have a longer damage amp time, or a reduced cooldown. And the Fox-Fire and Spirit Rush damage nerf is huge. Why Roit whyyy

+Rep is always appreciated

My Ahri guide :)