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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Free Rotation Review - W6

Hello everybody!

Another week, another free rotation. This time quite a lot of champions I never played before, so I was eager to try them all. Despite the lack of time, I somehow managed. Here are the thoughts:


I really don't understand why people like to support with this champion. If you do so, it feels like wasting her potential. The only supportish thing you got, is your passive, combined with Summon: Tibbers. Laning phase is kinda boring. Despite the OP range of her AA, if you lane against someone like

Post LCS Reflections

I went with a friend to the March 2nd NA LCS this past sunday. I went in not hoping for a lot and was absolutely blown away. The drive wasn’t bad since I live less than half an hour away and we left early to dodge the traffic. When we arrived, there was a decent line to wait in in order to be escorted to the studio itself, but we got lucky and ended up with front row seats! The production value was outstanding, and although the seats were mildly uncomfortable and I was next to a larger gentleman that took up about half of my seat as well as his own, I felt comfortable spending four hours and a bit watching the four games that went on. I intend on going again, at some point in the future. With that said, the games themselves were largely one sided, which surprised me given the appearance of balanced matchups.

TSM vs Cloud Nine
This game was the reason I bought tickets in the first place, three weeks ago. TSM and Cloud Nine are, without a doubt, the two best teams in North America ri…

Champion's full potential

Hello everybody!

As a part of my "get better at LoL" plan, I decided to play all the champions. To know them, and to be able to play against them in rankeds or some serious games.

Thanks the weekly free rotation, it is possible. And yesterday, as I was playing Annie support, I relaized, how bad she is at this. Not because of my skills, but because I was voluntarily making her bad with wrong itemization and wrong mindset, due to the nature of my role. Let me explain, please:

Who is Annie? She is an AP killing machine. She excells in stuning and bursting the enemy down in a single deadly combo in early to mid game, and then has a strong poking and team-fight potential in the late game (although we all agree she is not much of a late game champion, I think she can still do pretty good and be deadly till the victory/defeat screen).

So why do you drag her to bot lane? As a support, you don't build her AP. You get your

My League Matches 3

So, I'm definitely taking at least a 2 week break from ranked. Right now I'm in really bad shape. I don't really know why. I'm losing lane a lot more and I'm dying a lot more which is unforgivable since I often play tanks/bruisers. My best quality was that I wouldn't feed no matter what and even that's gone now. I'll just play normals for now and I'll try to relax cause so far this season isn't going so well for me at all. My win ratio is below 50% and I'm constantly getting matched up with people who aren't trying to win at all. Not saying that's why I'm losing. I'm also not performing at all but I'm definitely trying my best to play well and to win. Most of the people I've had on my team so far have either been afk-ers or ragers that give up after we lose a few kills ("I don't care about this game anymore. Just surr..").

So yeah, I'll be taking a break. While I'm not playing ranked on Mondays I'll be talking about any interesting games I've had during the previous week.

Thanks for …

Pedro's Nuzlocke Adventures: I wanna be the very bully

Day 3 - Leaving the Cradle

Today Poppy and I will leave the house. It's time.

Ever since my father left me and my mother, our lives changed forever. Mother vowed never to leave the front of the tv until she watched the whole series of Grey's Anatomy (rip) and I swore never again I would depend on someone else to survive on this cruel TALL GRASS OF DOOM filled world.

And now with Poppy, my BRAVE bulbasaur, I can finally follow my dream: to bully money out of Pokemon trainers so I can get my own house!

I mean, think about it: most Pokemon trainers are whiny kids who left their houses "to become the very best", they NEED money to get Pokebals and stuff. If I kill their critters and menace their lives they'll HAVE to shower me with gold! It's freaking perfect!

As I make my way downstairs and hear Christina Yang cry though the stereo, I know I made the right choice. I walk out with no regrets.

Day 3/2: Wow Pokédex such bs

Poppy and I have braved THE TALL GRASS OF DOOM on Route 1 a…

ADc Only up to Dia1

This Season ive been trying to get back to d1 only using ADc once again and i managed doing that with Draven / Jinx / Cait / Vayne / Corki now its the way to Chall i guess - sadly the New D1 gut messed up quite hard and u wont be able to get more than +5 / Win so its gonna be a long Road but the First steps are already taken :))

Gl on your Games Summoners and keep updated!
Greetz Ch40sBr4nc3

Pedro's Nuzlocke Adventures: The Beginning

Day 1 - Who are you?

"Are you a boy or a girl? What's your name?"

As professor Oak asked the questions, I thought his midnight sessions with his Vileplume where finally affecting his brain. I mean, I've lived next door for the last 12 years and I've been secretly circlejerking with Gary, his grandson. When he asked what was his grandson's name, however, I knew he was completely braindead and my chances of finally getting my hands on some Pokemon had been shot down.

Unless I made some drama.

Day 2 - It's dangerous outside, take this!

Today I set my plans in motion. Having rested early, I can sneak up on my mom (tv addict, not hard) and walk to THE TALL GRASS OF DOOM (I have to walk since I'm crippled and my old Running Shoes are broken, I've asked Oak to fix this but I'm pretty sure he was high that day too).

As I approach THE TALL GRASS OF DOOM I cannot help but take a deep breath: I could die there! You see, THE TALL GRASS OF DOOM is where wild pokemon hide, and since I'm waaaa…

About my Light Novel 2

A small update for my Light Novel again. Chapter 2 should be completed by the end of next week. In my opinion it's definitely better than Chapter 1 however it can still improve. I like the direction in which it is going. Hopefully it'll be really good by the time Volume 1 is complete.

Thanks for reading =D time to watch the LCS greatness! =D

League Of Legends

League of Legends is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of an RTS with RPG elements. Two teams of powerful champions, each with a unique design and playstyle, battle head-to-head across multiple battlefields and game modes. With an ever-expanding roster of champions, frequent updates and a thriving tournament scene, League of Legends offers endless replayability for players of every skill level.

Champion Look 2

Today we'll take a quick look at Trundle, a champion I don't really like playing.

Why is Trundle boring for you?:
Because he's a Tryndamere with a bat. You mostly just auto-attack with him. I don't like Tryndamere because all you do while playing him is right-click. It's pretty much the same with Trundle.

Despite not playing him, do you think he's strong?:
Definitely. He's a pretty good top laner in the current meta because he's a good counter for tanks like Mundo.

What would you give Trundle in order to make him more fun?:
I would replace his W with something more interesting. Most Trundles go for Blade of the Ruined King so you would be fine even without the W. Not saying his W is weak though. It's good but it's also a boring skill. His pillar is essential for his kit and it is his signature move so it can't really be replaced with anything. Same with his Q and his Ulti.

How long do you think Trundle will be popular?:
As long as Top Lane tanks remain priority picks Trundle will …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide