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Note about Updates on my Guides

I will be very straightforward.

Patch 4.10 has turned many things around for marksmen. As a consequence, tons of testing is neccessary before I can make any updates on my guides. From what I have so far, I can say that certain things will stay the same but at the same time there is lot of change in the air. Probably, I need to have a look at competetive play a bit more often to find out whether there is a change in the gameplay tactics as well.

As far as the viability of my guides at the time of writing is concerned, I need to put some effort within the next days to reach absolute optimality againg, even though what's there already is still useful.

I need to apologise for not being as fast as I could be and guarantee that I will try to finish everything within the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for updates and even prepare for some guides being archived if I reach a dead end.

On a side note, I am thinking of getting back to an old habbit, which is actually commenting on brand…

Altoshipping - A Pokemon Fanfic

Mobafire, I need your help. I've decided to write a Pokemon Fanfic which Pokemon fans refer to as Altoshipping. If you don't know what it's you can look it up. But in short, it's the idea of the main character of Pokemon, Ash Ketchum, coming together to with a Pokemon, Latias. Just google it and you'll find enough about it.

Now I would like, if you're interested to comment on it. I'll upload 1 Chapter every 1-2 days depending on how much time I can get together. For those who enjoy Pokemon, comment on the story, the characters. Are they out of character, not acting like they should. Could the plot catch interest? Anything to do with the content. Are you not so interested in the actual story? Then help me work my grammar, spelling etc. A neverending love

Is the title bad? (I hope not) But I would for you guys to read through it and give me criticism, as said either about the content or my actual writing.

Toshabi Talks About League of Legends


I've seen the outside. I've seen it! Perilous roads and highways that twist and turn. They force you upon these things to get to where? Where?! To nothing more than a pig's pen, a slaughter house. They force you into these building where people look the same. We do the same thing day in and day out. We look upon those who managed to rise above us, but corruption is in their eyes, their mouths. Their hands, they raise them and out comes more torment. Then the hand of the clock strikes 5. Almighty 5. Like the fingers on my hand, they strike 5. When that happens, we all agree to run away at once. Back to the machine, back to the roads and highways. Back to... home.... Home yes home. Home where I'm safe. I have safety and comfort here.... and... LoL.

Let's talk about LoL for a minute. Yes, this game that's become nothing more than a viral sensation throughout the entire globe. Heck, you can walk outside of your house and see some sort of reference being made to the game by ran…

C4 Lasty Duoing with Azingy TONIGHT!

Hey guys I've been away from league for awhile. My account has decayed a few times. Currently I'm sitting at Diamond 3. My good friend Azingy famous for his Karthus jungle is doing an Unranked to Challenger stream over the next two weeks. He has asked me to duo with him!

You guys can check us out at

We are starting at 9PM PST tonight which is Midnight eastern time. He's a night owl and when Azingy asks you to duo the only answer is 'yes'! Come check us out tonight!

-C4 Lasty

SR changes on PBE- first toughts

DISCLAIMER: Since it's only an early BETA, my thoughs could be proven wrong in the next changes. However, for now this are my toughs to the Summoner's Rift changes

You're seeing this? Good, because you better get used to it.

Summoner's Rift is changing, like everything else in this game. Sincerely, I though that the change was coming sooner or later, and when I saw the announcement, I though that it would be something great. But I was a little dissapointed when I saw the changes: the map was too dark, the monsters were meh and turrets seemed to bad IMO.

However, a man has to eat his pride sometimes, and after some games in PBE, my though about this changed. The improvement until now has been focused not only in updating the textures but also make it more playable for people like me that can't afford a good computer. Although sometimes it breaks, I, for the first time ever, got 60 fps on SR. that's an improvement. This change is starting good on the perfomance topic, and …


So, this may be ranting a little, but I've seen this happen a lot more recently, and it's always bothered me. EVERYONE, whether you're Challenger or Bronze V, has had a bad game. I would say everyone has had dozens of bad games. What I can't stand is when people, whether ranked or not, act like they've NEVER played bad ever, and since you're having one game of 1/5/2, that must mean that you suck, as a person and at league in general. I mean, since they've spent one 10 minute game with you, they must know EXACTLY how you play and how good you are. People in this game can be so rude, and when I try to point out that everyone has had a bad game, to calm down, they only get angrier, and since this is a teamwork based game, believe it or not, this just makes the team fall even more behind. Instead of being an ******* and raging, try to be helpful and explain to said feeder what they're doing wrong, and try to help them improve. Side rant, since the Tribunal is essentially useless, reportin…

Reached Platinum in 5v5

Hey friends.

Today this happened. :3

After several months of playing together our ranked team finally hit Platinum. We were stuck in gold 2 for quite a while and for some time I had my doubts that we would be able to get any further, but then we stepped up our play somewhat and went on a huge winning streak of 7-8 games to get all the way to Plat promos. We won a game, lost a close game and then won two games in a row to win the series. This is the first time I've ever been Platinum in anything so yeah that's pretty cool.

Looking to get Platinum in solo (well okay more like duo) queue next. Recently I feel more confident than I ever have before, so it shouldn't be too hard provided I can actually play enough games. League is pretty important to me and getting to Platinum has been my dream since Season 1 - when admittedly it was a much bigger deal than it is today - so this means quite a lot to me. (>^w^)>

Uhh, AMA I guess.

P.S. Special shout out to Lucian for being balanced …

Taric and the Gems of Rage!

I've always wanted to build Taric as an AD support. But until now I've never tried it. And after trying it I've found it's actually quite enjoyable. I'm not sure if it actually works or is effective at all. But damn it I enjoy it! I think I'll make a guide after I post this. Hopefully my writing is at least interesting :p

I can forget my Goals for This ranked season

So yeah , i started today with 61 points and i lost a game because our kata found because she lost mid she could just leave because she is gold 5 already so she went afk and we lost that game straight up , second game i went riven vs trundle and i kinda stomped that whole game the game ended in like 18 min , next game i played our mid laner and toplane were premade and just lose straight up and we lost that game too , next game i go top as riven and my yi ganks and runs up my lane for no reason and smites my cannon pushes my lane for no reason . and then their xin camped and i got a dived and killed xin and died to lee , then our syndra didnt ward and lee got a kil there , and braum flamed syndra and syndra was "offended" because she hates getting flamed on so she bought ad items and just kept dieing and we lost that one too... so now i am at 27 points in silver 1

i think i can just forget my goal for gold and stick with normals , my motivation is almost gone for ranked , in 2 seas…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide