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Ezreal - New Champion ^^

Need Help With Ezreal Builds!!!!!
Immediate Assistance needed.... I'm new to him and he's the first ranged character i had had.. Hence I wanted to extend my gaming skills and capabilities by focusing on different types of characters... That way I can either support, AD, AP or Tank... In that sense, I hope i can be even more reliable in combat...
-: Need help with..........


Vi - Counter & Plan Ahead!

Agression ( FAST )

Miss Fortune
Champions that combine well with her dive potential can do very well alongside Vi in team fights. Having an Orianna balled Vi charge into an enemy team and get a wombo combo off on everyone can seal many team fights. Similarly, having a Vi jump into your team while Lulu ulted will disable everyone heavily and due to her innate tankiness, your team will be allowed to clean up and deal damage for free while they attempt (unsuccessfully) to peel Vi off their carries.


Vi has few straight-out "counters". She is very versatile and can overcome her few weaknesses by utilising her other strengths. Still, these following champions can provide obstacles for Vi:

Kassadin can prove tough for Vi as he is very hard to gank once he hits level 6. Also, his silence can destroy a Vi's combo for a significant period of time - Vi cannot release her Q if she is silenced, causing it to fizzle.

Xin Zhao is stronge…

VI's Strategy! - Attention!


Pre level 6 your ganking will rely on you hitting your Q. Vi has crazy burst damage if you land your Q, making targets sitting ducks should you not miss. Unfortunately, this does mean that if your Q does not connect you are much less likely to get any kills.

Once Vi has obtained her Ulti, her ganking becomes much more effective while also becoming significantly easier to execute. Combining Q, Flash and Ulti, nobody is safe from your ganks. Mid lane is especially easy to kill as you will often be in Ult range by the time they see you. Try to pick on targets that have no escape abilities or those that have burned their Flash.

Jungle Clear

Position yourself so that your E hits all of the jungle creeps. Your W gives you incredible clearing speed with a bonus to Attack Speed and extra damage every third hit. You can use your Q to jump over walls and get to camps quicker, while also doing significant damage to the creeps within the camp. Be careful to not …


Hi everyone i found a game last week and it's called RIFT. please try it out it's very funny when you first understand the game so please reply to me what u think about the game or if know about another game i maybe can try! :)
I am willing and try all kinds of games


The game page:

And my name on League of Legends name is

please add me so maybe we can take a fight some time! :)

And if you have the time can you please me as a friend here on
Mobafire! :) :D

Chapter 1 of my Light Novel

Finally, Chapter 1 is complete! A little late but better late than never. The name of the Light Novel is Harukaze which means Spring Wind or Spring Breeze. I personally like the name. I don't think it's the best but it's certainly not bad. It's good enough. Before I give you the link to the LN I'll answer some questions you guys might have for me:

Q: Why "Harukaze"?
A: It's a good fit for the Light Novel and the main character.

Q: Why are there only 4 characters excluding the protagonist's parents?
A: The rest of the characters will be introduced in Chapter 2.

Q: How long is this Light Novel gonna be?
A: Volume 1 should have 4 Chapters. 5, at most but probably 4.

Q: Are you gonna continue writing it after Volume 1?
A: We shall see. If most of the feedback I get isn't "This is garbage" I'll probably continue writing it.

Q: What about illustrations?
A: I have a friend who is gonna draw them for me. Once he completes the illustrations for Chapter 1 I'll share them in another post. I …

2nd Part of "Vi Of The Day"

*Ahem* Vi's damage reached 340-350 (depends on users of different calibre) maxed at lvl 18.
Speed attack reaches 1.40%-1.50% ! That equals to faster armour break **** That is why I intended to rather add Vault Break (Q) fter getting Assault & Battery (R). Furthermore, the advantage of Vault Breaker (Q) has a sort of "Flash" ability to recover after using (R).. As for (E), delay its levelling skills point as you don't stand much chance getting 3 or more hits on an opponent at the early of the game, start it at the middle when your attack speed has at least reached a certain 0.8% yo 1.1% ! That way you master and max the capability of vault breaker (Q) and (E) ..... Provided a best teammate along!

"There's still hope" - Riven

-Vi for the day-

Ever heard Vi saying, " I am my own back-up?"
Well whoever listens that, you're heck of a Vi... Because what I found out is that Vi can have deadly advanatage over the others at the level of 13-15 whereas lvl 1-8 not much... I don't care what others said.. Well a bit of those came into use in the middle of combat...
For example:
Improving and just improving 'E' till get 'R' is a great idea.. Firstly Vault Breaker is useless itself and hence needed a support of 'R'- Assault & Battery . Why? Hence comes the item guide....
Item Guide:
Whole Maxed Item Guide-
- The Black Cleaver
- The Bloodthirster
- Phantom Dancer
- Ravenous Hydra
- Ionian Boots of Ludicity
Lastly - Zephyr
" What Plan? I dont need any plan!" Vi


I think 3 deaths is pretty good...and one of those was me taking out a turret while being bombarded by two champions XD I was pretty good at kiting (no duh), but the enemy was stupid enough to chase me until I led them to an ally at full health.

Bottom lane was Ezreal/

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide