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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Supertalon's work at MOBAFIRE.

Hello, i would like to introdouce My self.

My name is Mathias, i'm 17 years old and i live in Denmark in a small town called Skive.
I've been playing League Of Legends since 2009, and i work for Mobafire as Video Contributor. I used to go to a boarding school with a lot of sports, but i've choose to quit it and focus on my life at home instead, and than it was possible for me to work for MOBAFIRE.

What can we expect to see from you on the youtube channel?

You can expect alot from me, but at the start i will be helping Yannis by Editing some records, it can be top 5 pentakills, fails, etc etc. But also i will be commentating professional games and put it on the youtube channel afterwards.

I dont mind if you have any questions, if you have than you can send it to my Email.

Faokiam Zero summoner's spotlight

Yo I.m Faokiam Zero.I'm french,i reach lvl 30 in the end of the first season.I can play any position,but i like jungle,my main are Nocturne,Warwick,and Jax.The second role i like is tank with Mundo,Riven,Jax.I'm not bad with support or caster,my main support are Blitz,Sona,Alistar;my main caster are Ahri,Morgana,Mordekaiser.I'm not confident in my long range Dps,my main are Teemo,Ash,Sivir.The fact is i prefer close range fight,and with Adcarry my lasthit is not so competitive. I like Anime,manga etc...

Hextrospective! - A simple view about the year

** My text does not show as 100% what really think about the game today, because only presents a superficial view of the arguments **


I was playing lately and stopping to think about how the game has changed. Really, if you think about it, we will have positive and negative changes (depending on your point of view).

If we look back, that League of Legends 1 year (or sometime next) ago, is not the same today.

During Season 2, the number of players incriased, which in my opinion has caused a certain "problem" to the game. Various opinions are always welcome. However we have to accept that hears a huge number of players with opinions and attitudes totally wrong and without any basis.

Many champions have been released, which to me, is being a little bad. For the interval between them has become less and with 2 or even 3 champions in a month, the thing becomes a little monetary.

Many items added, I think it promotes better playability of the game.

However, I would like to hear wh

Syndra .........a bad champ ?

Hiyaaaaaaa Summoners ........i wanted to talk about this arguement me and my friends had today you see im a Syndra player a good one and i havent seen another person to handle Syndra (i know there are tho) but my friends point was that Syndra is just not powerfull and also that there's no one able to play her -_-" i of course instantly set my mark but i wanted to know : " HOW MANY OF US CAN ACTUALLY PLAY SYNDRA ?"

Season 3 here I come!

So..made 3 ranked wins in a row (thank you god!) and I not only fixed my win/loss ratio again but I got to a ELO where I'll be pretty much at 1200 when the season starts so that means I can perform a bit better this season if I get good teammates and stuff!

Season 3 here I come!! :D

My goals for Season 3 are:

- Get an awesome ranked team and maybe try to qualify for that Season 3 Championship Series thingy :D

- Reach at least 1500-1600 ELO

- Learn all top laners out there (I know the basics of most of them but I only know how to play well with several of them)


A Question About Veigar

I have a question about Veigar. I am aware that Veigar is a highly unplayed champion, and even more so since the DFG nerf. But is he any good? It's odd, since he's the champion which I consistently get Legendary on. It doesn't happen with any other champion I play.

I get that high mobility burst-type AP assassins or poke-type APs are the meta right now, but I don't 100% get why

Top Facts -52- Twitch

Making this to add to my complete top lane guide.

I've been play alot of random stuff recently and had some fun playing twitch top, so I figured what the heck I will make a facts for it.

Champion Overview:

Twitch is an AD ranged carry capable of dealing sick AoE damage. Twitch is a good top laner as he is ranged, can use stealth as an escape, and will scale very well. Twitch is not strong against champions who can gap close and burst on low cooldown, he will be at a disadvantage against these types of matchups. Twitch is very good at pushing and roaming however and I find this more than makes up for his weakness.

Skills Overview:

Deadly Venom- Twitch's basic attacks infect the target, dealing 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 true damage every second for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times.
This passive is very nice for adding some extra damage to your auto attacks and making your harass as a ranged carry in top lane even better.

Updates... Again

Guys I am sorry to tell you but I am updating AGAIN:

*I am going to put the Trundle and Fizz guides in to limbo
*I am still going to continue the Fiora and Elise guides
*I am thinking about maybe doing a guide for Teemo or Nidalee, we will see
*I might do an over all Dominion Guide

Sorry for the constant updating!


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide